"What're you, a professional liar?" :STEVEN MEEKS REQUEST:

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Author's Note: For @nessafaux HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! <3

Nessa sat upside down on an armchair, watching her boyfriend and her best friend working on a radio they had been hawking away at for the last several days. She watched his hands glide across the metal of the radio, and down the base of its wood. His face had been red for the last numerous hours, his leg bouncing in fury. She wanted to go over and help but she couldn't tell if the time was right or not.

"I quit, your turn to try, Pitts." Meeks said throwing his hands up and plopping down in a seat at the table. That was Nessa's cue. She rolled off the armchair and walked over to her distressed lover, kissing his cheek, and pulling him to her torso and stomach. He put his head against her and his arms around her waist. She placed her hands on his hair and began to untangle his ginger curls.
"Don't look at me." Pitts said, sitting down in distress just like his best friend had. Nessa laughed and let go of her boyfriend. She bent over the top of the radio. Her eyes wandered it's features and it's faults. Her mind soared for something that could be done to fix its problems. Then she found a solution.
"Mind if I give it a go?" She asked Meeks. She then looked at Pitts. Pitts shrugged and invited her to give her best attempt at repairing the radio. Meeks stood back up and put his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck and pulled her back from the radio.
"It's broken enough, love." He joked with her. She smacked his hand, gently, that held her waist. She chuckled a bit at his comment but then turned to look at him.
"Pitts has faith in me. Maybe I chose the wrong Dead Poet to fall in love with." Meeks pretended to be offended by her comment. Pitts laughed and then stood up.
"Steven Meeks... do you not want her to touch the radio because she is a woman?" Pitts interrogated like Chris Hanson interrogated child predators on live television. Meeks pointed at his best friend, then his girlfriend.
"That- no- what- don't put words in my mouth!" Meeks expressed with sheer worry in his voice. Nessa pretended to cry and be heartbroken at the sexism that never existed.
"Okay, Nessie- give it a try, fine. I really don't think you'll be able to fix anything but-." Meeks said, kissing his girlfriends cheek. The fake crying immediately stopped and Pitts looked at Nessa. Nessa had an obnoxious jaw drop look of a face on while Pitts was chuckling.
"The pure deep rooted sexism!" Pitts said as he laughed. Nessa folded her arms and elbowed her boyfriend gently. Meeks chuckled in worry and tried to cover his tracks, trying to prove he didn't mean anything personal by his comment.
"I didn't-" He began, till Nessa put her finger to
his lips.
"Too late, babe. Let's make a bet." Now, Meeks was interested and didn't worry about taking back the insult that never was an insult in the first place. He thought about what he wanted... it took a while, a very long time, till it came to him.
"Okay if I'm right, and you don't fix the radio, you have to complete my Latin work for the next three weeks... what do you want?" Nessa immediately knew what she wanted. She wanted to keep it between her and her boyfriend though. She bent towards his ear and whispered into it. The words, we shower together for the next three nights left her mouth. Meeks eyes opened wide and a smile grew large on his blushing face. He looked at her. She bit her lip and her eyes had a sly look to them. He put his hand out for a shake, to officiate the bet. She took his hand in hers, and they shook firmly.

Nessa bent down and grabbed a pair of pliers. She plugged in this wire, and unplugged a different one. She twisted two brackets and then twisted one in the opposite direction. She then clicked one switch. Static could be heard coming from the machine. She held up its radar and began to turn it... and BOOM! Sound came from the machine! She had did it. She had proved her boyfriend wrong AND won the bet. Pitts cheered and threw his arms up. "YES YOU DID IT!! THE POWER OF WOMEN!" They high fived with both of their hands and Pitts began laughing at his foolish best friend. Nessa turned to Meeks with a burning sarcastic sweet grin on her face. Meeks was all red and grinning as well. He turned to Pitts.

"Excuse us, I have to honor our bet." Before you knew it Meeks had thrown Nessa over his shoulder and was carrying her out of the common room. She laugh demonically as he ran with her to the showering spaces, the women's showers. There was no way that he was going to bring her to the men's showers and besides, the women's showering curfew window has closed. All girls were supposed to be ready for bed. But if they had gotten caught in the showering room, Meeks would simply hide and Nessa would explain why she was showering past curfew, and the teacher would believe her. At Welton, Nessa was considered a model student who all the other students should learn from. Maybe that's why her and Meeks worked so well together.

Meeks began to remove all of his clothes as Nessa prepared the shower. Warm water began to splash on the tile floor. Nessa sprayed lavender steam shower spray in the water and the room began to smell of it. She stepped in first, letting the water rush all down her body and down the drain, and then Meeks followed in after her. He closed the glass shower door and stepped under the water. Nessa rubbed shampoo through his hair. He closed his eyes and let her fingers slowly kneed through his spiral curls. He let the water tickle and cleanse his shoulders as Nessa slowly got the soap off of him. Then he opened his eyes. She was staring at his face, a gentle grin on her face. He bent towards her and kissed her soft lips, rubbing his hand behind her wet neck and through her wet hair. Then they traded places.

He put shampoo on his hands and began to work the shampoo through Nessa's soft and luscious locks. She thanked him as he did so and in return to the thank you, he kissed her shoulders and the lower part of her neck. He brushed conditioner through the bottom half of her hair and helped her wash it out as well. As they slowly became cleaner and cleaner, they got flirtier and flirtier. Soon enough, Meeks was pinned between the wall and Nessa, and their lips were intertwined. Before anything could truly happen though, a shout echoed in the room.

"WHO'S IN HERE?" Nessa slapped her hand over Meeks mouth, preventing him from speaking.
"It's- It's- It's Nessa, Mr. Nolan. I was studying late for a Geometry quiz and lost track of time. Sorry for showering past curfew." She heard footsteps getting closer to the shower. They were very soft and gentle though. Not Mr. Nolan's.
"Why are there men's clothes on the floor out here? By the way, it's Mrs. Leeds. I came with Mr. Nolan to check this out. He is not in the room, just by the doorway. You're safe, it is just me. And I cannot see you." Nessa's heart dropped but lifted at the same time. It was the sound of the girls rowing coach, Mrs. Leeds. She was cool enough that if she knew Nessa was with Meeks, she wouldn't rat them out to Nolan. Meeks eyes fell wide open. They didn't even think about that.
"Oh hi Mrs. Leeds! My friend, Neil Perry, forgot to do laundry yesterday so he asked me to bring his school wear with me when I go to do my laundry, after my shower." The footsteps went to return to the door.
"Alright then. Try to be on time when you shower. Sorry for the disturbance." The door slammed. Nessa still motioned for Meeks to be quiet but took her hand back. She peaked her head out of the shower, making sure Nolan and Leeds was really gone. They were. She sighed of relief and closed the shower door once again. That's when Meeks hands grabbed her waist and pulled her back. Now, she was pinned between the wall and him.
"What're you, a professional liar?" Meeks joked as he kissed her neck, slowly moving towards her collarbone.
"No, just a quick thinker. And apparently, a radio engineer. That's how we even got into this situation." Meeks laughed and kissed her lips again.

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