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First I Love You=

-You said it. You had just met his family for the first time. In all honesty, they made you veryyy uncomfortable and made you feel very silly. They were high class and fancy. You weren't. You were classy, but not prudish. You didn't pride yourself off of your class. You didn't know if his parents liked you or not, but to be on the safe side, you offered to do the dishes with Cameron. They were very gracious of your offer, and allowed you two to load the dishwasher together. You got the food off of them, Cameron rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher. His parents went and sat in the living area, leaving you two alone. "Are you okay?" He asked you as you brushed mashed potatoes in the garbage. Your mood had deflated and turned a bit sour since dinner. You looked up at him, tears in your eyes. "I'm sorry I'm so upset. I just know they don't like me. For what it's worth now... I love you." Cameron turned off the sink and dried his hands. He hugged you, running his fingers through your hair, and kissed your head. "I love you too." You sighed heavily. "I'm sorry I'm not good enough for them." He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "They adore you, trust me. And who cares if you're not good enough for them, whatever that means. You're more than enough for me."

How They Like Your Hair=

-He likes it when it's in a loose braid. Certain strands dangle around your face, and hang nicely framing your face. He just thinks you look so naturally beautiful

Concert You Both Attend=

-Joni Mitchell

What They Give You To Remember Them=

-A book filled with religious notes. Sounds crazy, I know. But before Cameron met you, he felt he HAD to follow a religion. His family were devout Christians but that never felt right to him. So he started a book where he wrote his opinions on all the religions within society in hopes he'd find one that he can follow. He never did. After he met you, he realized that not belonging to a religion was completely fine. So he gave you this book, just as a deeper look into his mind and his writing

How They Ask You To A School Dance=

-He just asks. He was too nervous to make a big production out of it. He feared you'd say no

What They Wear to a School Dance=

What They Are Like As Your Date To The Dance=

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What They Are Like As Your Date To The Dance=

-Cameron is really talkative and fun! You parents drove you two to the school dance. He didn't mind when they bombarded you two with wanting to take photos. He made jokes to keep you calm and held your hand to keep you comfortable. Then when you two got into the dance, you immediately wanted to dance, obviously. He danced until you physically couldn't anymore. Once you both got tired, you walked to the corner of the room and talked about all the things you could think of

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