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Neil Perry=

-Neil likes treating you to special things all of the time. But for the holidays and birthdays, he treats you to REALLY special things. That year, he told you just to dress nice, pack a little back for three days, and get ready for a long car ride. You couldn't help but feel super excited. He always had the best surprises

-You drove for a few hours then saw a place you only ever saw in photos. Time Square. You were in New York! As he pulled into The Ritz hotel and gave the car to valet, he took your hand in his and said, 'Tonight, my love, we are going to see the Nutcracker ballet.' 

-You dropped your bag and jumped into his arms, putting your legs around his waist, kissing him. You were so excited!!! You guys went to the ballet a few hours later and he held your hand the entire time, kissing you occasionally, telling you he loved you. Best Christmas ever

Todd Anderson=

-The holidays make Todd a HOPELESS romantic. He can't help himself

-He wakes you up by cuddling you and kissing you, holding you tightly. You wake up with a giant smile and laugh as his cute antics. Then he gives you gifts and breakfast in bed. He always over does it with the gifts. Everything you said you had wanted months before, and forgotten about, he had given you

-Then you guys go outside, sit in the cold atmosphere by a warm cozy fire, and some coffee. He holds you in his arms, against his chest, and begins reading you some poetry or reading you the new books he had bought you. You spend your entire day like this until it gets dark. Once dusk hits, you go inside and make a quick dinner while watching a movie. For some reason, you guys won't watch happy movies. You should, because it's Christmas, but you don't. You watch stuff like The Godfather. You watch the first, second, and third. He falls asleep during the third though, in your arms now. He held you all day and when he had gotten tired, he decided he didn't want to hold you anymore. He wanted to be held. He pulled your arms around him, laid on your legs, and went out like a light. A Christmas well spent

Knox Overstreet=

-For the holidays, he asked you to do something that you both knew you would NEVER want to do... spend the week with his parents. He asked you, very sweetly with flowers and apologizing, 'My moms asking me to come home for the holiday. Do you want to... can we go there for Christmas Eve Eve, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day? I'm sorry.' He felt so bad asking you this because Christmas is just supposed to be a time for you two but... now his parents were in the mix. You didn't want to make him feel worse... so you just smiled and said sure

-It actually wasn't as bad as you both assumed. His parents were really nice and prepared some fun holiday activities for you, Knox, his sister, and them to all do together. You made six dozen batches of Christmas cookies, went to a fancy dinner, built gingerbread houses. They were really fun and complimented you a lot, talked about how cute you and Knox were. His parents were NEVER like that. Maybe it was just the holiday spirit

-Christmas Day was one of the best days of your life. You woke up and waited for Knox to wake up too, tracing all of his facial features, outlining them with your fingers. When you traced his lips, he began to smirk, his eyes fluttering open. He jumped into you, squishing you between him and the mattress, kissing you and yelling, 'MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY!' 

-He then made you both get up and get ready for the day, carrying you everywhere you went. He carried you downstairs to the living room bridal style for some reason. Just Knox being himself. You guys made breakfast for everyone and coffee too. Then his parents and sister woke up. You all had a beautiful breakfast and opened gifts at the same time

-Knox's parents bought you a beautiful diamond encrusted bracelet with Knox's full name engraved inside. You almost cried because it was so pretty. Knox bought you a promise ring. You were shocked at first, scared it was an engagement ring. But it was just a promise ring. Then Mrs. Overstreet asked if you could help her prepare Christmas dinner. You couldn't deny her so you helped. She was so funny and nice to you, another thing you didn't expect. At dinner, Mr. Overstreet wouldn't stop complimenting you and his wife on the dinner you made. Knox kept kissing your cheek and head, thanking you, telling you it was great. You both left that night thinking about how you should see his parents more often

Charlie Dalton=

-You guys spent it together and spent it in the most odd way you could think. Wrapping absolutely everything in your guys's home. Yes, everything. Toilet paper, tooth brushes, blankets, pillows, snacks. You wrapped them in wrapping paper and then exchanged them

-He would open them and fake cry. 'A... a half empty bottle of lotion. This is beautiful, pumpkin. Thank you.' You would do the same thing, dramatically open the fake gifts you guys wrapped for one another

-You guys got in bed early and watched reality tv. Watching reality tv made you feel better about yourselves. Seeing people in distress because of roommates they lived with, the hoarding lifestyles they had, or them being pissed off about thing that really aren't even a big deal made you both feel better about yourselves. You laid in between his legs and with your head on his chest. He would give you your actual gift at that point, which was a necklace with his birthstone as a charm for it

Steven Meeks=

-You and Meeks have dinner with your parents. So that means you have all dayyy to yourselves! But actually, you only spend three hours together

-You spend those three hours drinking coffee and watching tv, reruns of Andy Griffith and The Honeymooners. You swap gifts as soon you wake up. Meeks can barely wait to give you gifts. He picks the best stuff for you and LOVES to see your reaction

-But you guys only see each other for three hours because you guys go out and volunteer at animal shelters, homeless shelters, youth groups, and do as much as you can to make people who are less fortunate that most have a good holiday

-Meek's favorite place to help out is at the orphanage downtown. He sits with kids, coloring and telling stories and talking about his life. Little kids are so curious and nosy about Meeks, especially the little girls. You love to watch him tell them stories about his school life and stories about you. He makes the little girls laugh a whole bunch and they never are not interested in his stories

-After you guys are done and it's time to go to your parents, you arrive, and the four of you have dinner. Meeks loves seeing your parents. Your parents were so easy going and loving. They always made him feel special and cared for

Gerard PItts=

-Pitts woke you up bright and early, kissing you, then yanking you out of bed

-He threw warm clothes of his at you and when you were actually coherent, you noticed he was dressed in slow gear. You guys were going sledding! You hopped out of bed and got ready, putting on all of the clothes he gave you and putting your hair up in a warm winter hat. When he saw you in his warm clothes, he kissed you and told you how adorable you looked. And then he finally said, 'Merry Christmas, baby. I love you so much'

-You guys sleded until you physically could not speak to one another from being so cold. You guys went down hills together on the same sled, raced down hills, raced back up hills on foot, made snow angels, built a snowman and named it Quincy. Occasionally he'd pick you up and hold your legs around his waist, kissing you and thanking you for spending your guys day like this. Then once you guys got home, you warmed up with a shower together, and order takeaway from your favorite restaurant. As you laid in bed, he talked about how much he loved you and loved the life he had with you. He fell asleep on your chest, gently breathing, pulling you closer and closer to him as he slept

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