"I just become a complete mess" :STEVEN MEEKS REQUEST:

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Author's Note: For the lovely @Robertha24 ! THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING! This was my first imagine based off of a song (Based off of Would You Be So Kind by Dodie) so I tried my best! It was so fun to write. Thank you again for the lovely request <3

Robby took her knitted handbag off of her shoulder, hanging it on the library chair she just crashed down on. She pulled books out of that same string bag and placed them in front of her. With a sigh, she opened all of them to their correct pages, waiting for her friend and project partner Meeks to burst through the door. He had always been on time for their study dates. Sometimes he'd be there thirty minutes early. But now... it's different. He's always late. Late to the point that Robby gets impatient and starts working by herself which she never does! She always liked to wait for Meeks. Robby just couldn't wait anymore though.

Then she began, writing down notes from her AP Biology textbook, notes that would help the project in the long run. She didn't want to do anything major yet. Nothing that Meeks would miss out on. So she figured notes would be a good place to start.

As she checked her wrist watch that was too loose for her, she heard the library doors burst open, and not too long after, slam shut. Robby then heard a shallow and quiet 'Sorry!' from Meeks. That earned him a 'SHHH!' from the fussy librarian. You chuckled. He deserved it for being late.

"Sorry sorry sorry, I know I'm late, I don't want to hear it." Meeks said as he laughed. Robby stifled a laugh from the depths of her chest. She didn't find his joke funny. She found it rather preposterous and annoying. It wasn't funny that he was always late. It wasn't funny he made Robby wait for numerous minutes, alone, wondering where he was. It was mean. It made Robby look dumb, foolish! She swore she'd never run for a man or wait for one but... Meeks was different. At least that's what she always told herself. But now, he didn't seem different. He was blending in with the rest of the rude men on campus. Making her wait, not explaining his whereabouts, and all in all... being shallow and not talking to her. Robby began thinking they were the problem.
"It's just... no it's okay!" Robby stopped herself as Meeks sat. He cleared his throat and opened all of his books, just like Robby had theirs.
"So, where shall we begin?" Robby had it. That question was... irritating to her. Where shall WE begin? Robby thought to themself. I've already began! I began fifteen minutes ago! Robby buried the rudeness within her. They took a breath, then exhaled it slowly.
"Well I began taking notes on the human anatomy. I began with the respiratory system. Do whatever you'd like." Robby smiled. Meeks smiled back. His cheeks had a light blush to them. That made Robby get a light blush as well. Robby went to start writing again but then Meeks stopped her. He put his hand on theirs, their writing hand. Robby froze and slowly looked up, meeting the eyes of Meeks once again.
"I'm sorry about being late all of the time. It's not fair. We're a team. I should start acting like we are. I'm sorry, Robby." His eyes turned from lovey to endearing. Robby found herself lost in his pool of brown iris's. He was a gorgeous boy. Very beautiful. Robby shook herself from her thoughts though, clearing her throat and sitting back. Meeks released her hand.
"I appreciate the apology, Meeks. Thank you." Robby said. She chose her words carefully. She didn't say it was okay, because it wasn't. She didn't say don't worry about it, because Meeks should worry about it. She didn't say shit happens, because it shouldn't happen so often. Meeks noticed how she carefully chose her words. He understood. He knew he messed up. He knew he was wrong. So he stopped talking. He went to write, she went to write. And they didn't speak for numerous minutes. Meeks couldn't stand it. He loved the sound of Robby's voice. He loved Robby's jokes. He loved Robby's laugh. He wanted the sounds of her voice to fill the room and overpower his ears. Even if they were in the library, he didn't care if Robby got both of their asses kicked out for being so loud. So he began to talk. He looked at the biology books, wanting to find a topic they could both talk about and have it not seem weird. Why would it seem weird? Meeks thought. She's your good friend- best friend! He cleared his throat.
"So, how are your lungs?" Meeks asked. Robby looked up and chuckled. She looked at the biology books, photos of lungs posted all over them. She found his proposal of a conversation charming.
"My lungs are good... thank you. And yours?" Robby asked. Meeks cleared his throat. Now or never... he thought. JUST SAY IT STEVEN! SAY IT DAMMIT! TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL! He wanted to explain why he was so late all the time. It was because he was talking to the boys about the big crush he had on Robby and how scared he was to speak to her. He went to say something flirty but his mouth erupted with goulash.
"Mine are uh- aching." Meeks mentally face palmed himself. What the hell did that mean? Robby's face grew in fear. She sat closer and put hand on Meeks. That caused both of them to explode. Butterflies took flight in their stomach.
"Uh- are you okay?" Meeks didn't no how to respond. His lungs were fine. Sort of. It's just every time he saw Robby his breathing increased, his heart started racing and... he was a mess, a fool, for Robby.
"Yeah yeah yeah... they just get..." He paused. He didn't want to sound like a creep in front of her. But to Robby, it just sounded like he was actually dying. No you can't leave me, Robby thought, I'm so in love with you... please be okay, Meeks. Robby grabbed both of his hands now. Meeks blushed and interlocked his fingers with hers.
"You wanna try it?" Meeks asked. Robby got worried to the maximum now. He was speaking in tongues. Try what? My lungs being in PAIN?
"Cmon." He said packing up his books. Robby froze and stared at him. She didn't know what was going on. It was when Meeks made eye contact with her that she started copying his actions, packing up her books, putting them back in bag. When she was all ready, Meeks grabbed her hand and they bolted out of the library. Everyone stared at them. They did look crazy. Meeks looked back at her. He saw Robby laughing and blushing and trying to keep up with him as he clenched her wrist and ran out of Weldon to the fields with them. Please fall in love with me. You have to have butterflies somewhere. Please share them with me. I like you so much but that's not enough. So please, Robby, PLEASE fall in love with- Meeks' thoughts stopped. He had reached the Welton soccer field bleachers. No one was playing. No one was seen for at least three miles. Meeks sat her under the bleachers and grabbed her hands. They were both out of breath, panting and unable to control or stabilize their breathing.
"This... is... how I feel... when I see you." Meeks explained. Robby looked at him, finally catching their breath.
"Out of breath and like dying?" Robby asked jokingly and almost offended. Meeks pushed her arm playfully then pulled her back to him. His arm swung around her shoulders and his head laid on top of hers.
"No, geez Robby. Like I can't breath. When you're walk towards me or say hi I just become a complete mess. I feel intimated and almost... I don't know I can't explain it. So I wanted to swap chest with you. Now you see how I feel when I'm around you. Why I'm always late. Because... I'm
in love with you and I can't explain it. I read somewhere that if you really love someone, you don't be able to explain why. So I really love you, Robby." Meeks said, smiling. Robby was still out of breath in the best way possible. She giggled and pulled Meeks close, closing the gap between their lips.
"We should write a book." Robby said, pulling away out of nowhere. Meeks laughed and just stared at her.
"Like about friends turned to lovers. A scrap book." Robby explained. He gasped and clapped in joy.
"YES LETS GO!" That was when the two started bolting again. This time, to Robby's dorm.

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