"I just miss him..." :TODD ANDERSON IMAGINE:

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^You're his sister in this one. And I know I said I can't write about Neil's fate and this is hypocritical, but I saw this headcanon somewhere and wanted to make a story for it. Thanks lovies <3

TW:// Talk of Neil's suicide

I stuck candles in the cake and felt myself salivating over the chocolate birthday cake. Todd's favorite kind of cake has always been chocolate with chocolate frosting, stuck in the freezer until it was time to sing. He liked his cake ice ice ice cold. He was such weird little kid, but I loved him so much either way. He was my little brother, my best friend, and the only person I liked in my family except for one of my second cousins. What he didn't like though, was singing. He hated it. He always went bright red, bit his lips in eagerness for it all to be over, and once it was he blew his candles out in one gasp. It was always awkward after that. I'd have to step in and pick up the chef's knife with a fake plastered smile. "Cake, anyone?"

But that was all his past birthdays. This upcoming one, his big sixteen, he actually seemed excited about his birthday. He wouldn't say why because he apparently DiDn'T kNoW but I knew why. Because he actually had a friend coming to hang out with him that wasn't me. It was those Dead Poet friends he had and could never stop talking about. I was personally eager to meet them, see who was actually making my brother happy with his life. And thankfully, I was invited to sit with him and his friends for his birthday. Even more thankfully, it was at our house. 

I walked downstairs rubbing my lips together, making sure my lip gloss wasn't too clumpy or tacky. Walking down, I listened to the seven loud and wild boys shouting and blasting music. My parents weren't home, nor were my brothers, so they were being as loud as they possibly could. I didn't stop them. I knew what Helton was like. I wanted them to have their fun and freedom tonight. 

My parents rarely stayed home, even on birthdays for their kids. I mean they loved us, a lot, but they cared about themselves more. Right now they were on vacation on a toasty beach with some fancy margaritas. They hadn't called yet to wish Todd a happy birthday. I wondered if they'd call at all...

Todd turned and saw me so he turned down the music and pointed to me, then his few friends. 

"Guys this is my older sister, (Y/N). She's going to hang with us tonight. She's- she is uh pretty cool so I hope you don't m- mind." Todd said, sitting down shyly. I held my hand out to the first boy that greeted me, shaking his hand with a warm smile. 

"Hi, I'm Steven Meeks. Nice to meet you." He said, letting go of my hand and sipping his soda. I then shook another boys hand and another and another and another and yet another. But then I stopped at this one... Todd looked at me and introduced him for him. 

"(Y/N) this is Neil Perry." Todd told me which made Neil blush a bit. I had heard so much about Neil that I felt like I already knew him and I was good friends with him. Todd had nothing but good things to say about this boy. The only bad thing he said was concerning Neil's father. I knew Neil was an actor, or wanted to be, and a while ago Todd had asked me to pick out a good Roman mythological screenplay for him. I agreed, being a reading junkie myself. Once I found one, I held onto it until I formally got to meet Neil myself. Now was my chance. I ran to my coat closet where I had stored the book, and pulled it off the top shelf. I dusted the soot off of the pages and bind, walking around the table to greet him. I stood behind him and placed the book by his side. 

"The famous Neil Perry, future broadway star. Todd told me all about you, all good things. Oh, and this is a book he asked me to pick out for you. A Roman mythological play." I told him. He snatched the book in excitement and began gingerly flipping through the pages. I could see Todd staring at him, sweetly, fondly. I smiled at Todd, staring at him as he stared at Neil. 

&quot;Carpe Diem... that's seize the day.&quot; DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon