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Author's Note: For @nogonnahappen  SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!! I hope you like it <3

Meeks had his mind worked up and running, stuck on that girl. Or shall I say, worked up and dancing, stuck on that girl. His girl, that girl, was named Grace. And she was a dancer. Along with being the finest performer anyone has the privilege of seeing, she was a model student, a kind person, a fun person, and one that Meeks had managed to fall for. And fall hard.

She was Neil's friend from theatre club. This go around, the club was doing a musical which required some singing and dancing ability. Neil had the singing part. He wasn't a good singer but he certainly wasn't terrible. He was a terrible dancer though. Always tripping, getting lost on his feet, and unable to keep up and momentum he got.

So Neil and Grace has started working together as a team. She'd train him and help him with dancing, he would go over lines with her in hopes she'd have an easier time remembering them. It was a lovely system.

They used Neil and Todd's dorm room as a practice space. They stacked the beds in a corner, pushed the desk to block the door so no one could enter, and Todd would sit on the desk and play music for the two of them.

Meeks heard the music everyday when he was studying. At first, he didn't know it was Grace who had something to do with it. If he had known that, it probably wouldn't have drove him so crazy. He'd sit at his desk, twirling his fringey ginger hair, pulling on it occasionally. He studied in total silence. This music blaring from down the hall wasn't doing anything but annoying him and preventing him from remembering anything.

On the third day in a row that it happened, he forced himself to go see what it was. He slammed his pen on his notebook, and yanked his door open, smashing it into the wall behind it. He stormed down the hall closer and closer to the music, and saw Todd. Todd was playing the music. Meeks was going to have Todd in for it.

As he went to ask him to turn it down, he saw that Todd didn't even hear nor see him approaching him. He was looking inside of the room, hopelessly and foolishly. Meeks poke his head in. And that's when he saw it- her, Grace.

She was helping Neil control turns. She would do a proper turn, he'd attempt to model her, and he'd fail most likely. Her blonde hair was back in a lose braid, one that had obviously been tighter but with the constant movement of the dance instructions, it had fallen loose. Her hazel eyes were filled with joy and pity as she watched Neil flail around like a fish of some sort. She was remarkable though.

She moved with no fear and no limits to her. Meeks had never seen anyone move so free. Her arms flowed through the air and her legs sliced through the room, with passion and precision. They'd only spoken a handful of times but this only added to her beauty and fondness, Meeks thought. Maybe he had fallen in love with her.

"Oh- do you like her?" Todd asked. Meeks looked at him with a blush on his cheeks and shrugged.
"Yeah... of course. What's not to like." Meeks and Todd kept watching their lovers, wanting them more.
"You should ask her out. I know she's single." Todd said in an attempt to help his friend and encourage him. To say the least, Meeks did feel inspired. He smiled as he looked back at Grace.

The song had ended and Neil collapsed to ground out of exhaustion. He laid on his back and with his arm over his eyes, out of breath. Grace laughed and sat beside him. She looked over at Todd and then also saw Meeks. Her face went redder than it already was and she opened her mouth to talk, but fumbled over her words.

"Hey uh why- um, sorry, why don't you both join us?" She said standing up and taking the stereo from Todd. He seemed nervous at first, trying to make excuses, but he managed to stand beside Neil and get suckered into trying to dance. Meeks began to protest but Grace grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance space. When their hands touch, they both felt a natural pure electricity and warmth. The two had a spark alright.
"Pitts- you're not helping much!" Meeks complained through the darkness of his bedroom to Pitts. The two were going to bed and talking about their day when Meeks started talking about Grace.
"What do you want me to say?!? I stated my case. You should ask her out!" Pitts laughed, rolling on his side to face Meeks. Meeks stayed on his back and slammed his hand over his eyes. He was unintentionally head over heels for the beautiful girl named Grace. He knew she liked her back- it was a certain feeling he had. But he was still nervous. He was still petrified actually.
"But how- and when and will she say yes and-"
"YOU SEE HER EVERYDAY!" Pitts screamed, throwing a pillow across the room and at Meeks. Meeks fake cried for a moment then rolled to face Pitts.
"I'm going to ask her after the musical." He said with conclusion. Pitts stared at him for a second too long.
"If that's what you want to do." Then he rolled over, and went to bed.
"Pitts..." Meeks said, not ready to finish the conversation yet. "Pittsie!..." Pitts was already pronounced sleeping. "Bad friend." Meeks said, throwing one of Pitts pillows back at him, and smacking him right in the head.

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