"Gosh you make me feel so alive." :CHARLIE DALTON IMAGINE:

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Author's note: For all of you, my lovely little readers. But it's especially for @Potter4life0  

Parents day was tomorrow. It was exactly how it sounded. It was one day during the month of March that parents would come to Welton- Helton, and spend the day with their children. They'd have meetings with the students teachers, Mr. Nolan, and either spend the rest of their day wonderfully or scolding and shaming their child for the reports they got back from their teachers. You weren't worried about your report. You were a good student and dedicated one as well. You just didn't want to see your parents. At all. They were just way too overbearing. They always asked so many questions, had too many demands, and you just found them to be too much.

You laid awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. Your roommate was asleep and had been asleep for a very long time. You wanted to get up, stretch, do something but you didn't want to wake them. You knew your roommate was terrified for parents day. Their parents were never satisfied with them. Even if they had all A's, did their work, and they were respectful... their parents thought they could have A+'s, do their work way more efficiently, and be WAYYY more respectful. but their terror didn't help you sleep at all... so you decided to get up, despite the worries of waking them. 

You walked to your desk and grabbed your walkman and cassette tape. (I know these weren't around in the 50's but a girl can dream!) You placed the headphones over your head and on your ears. You slipped your slippers on your feet so your feet would be less loud. You slowly placed your hand on your dorm room's door handle. You pulled it open and walked out, trying not to slam it behind you.

Welton's halls were so scary at night. They were completely empty. The halls looked wider and more whindy... like a spiral staircase, almost. They were almost magical. The dim lit lights on the walls just added to it's majestic feeling. You gently rubbed your fingertips against the wall, dawdling down the halls. For some reason, walking like this reminded you of a fairytale you read once, when you were a child. You felt like a royal in a castle, a large massive castle. Your parents who were the king and queen locked you away in this castle to hide you from the public, out of fear that you'd discover the wonders and beauties but also the horrors of society outside your royal bounds. Sometimes your life did really feel like that fairytale...

You remembered you had your walkman. You smiled and pressed play, waiting for the first song on your tape to play. (The song, 'Susie', above plays. You can listen to it if you'd like. I honestly LOVE this song.) You bop your head to the music. You slowly dropped your cassette player in your pocket. You raise your hands above your head, letting the hallways wind blow over your arms and through your hair. The air conditioning must've turn on. You danced and jumped to the center of the hall, throwing your hips around, lip syncing the chorus as it played through your eardrums. You turned backward and started dancing backward down the hallway. 

As you threw your arms up again, you felt arms wrap around your waist. You went to yawp but a hand smashed over your lips. Although it was shocking, the touch was also gentle. "It's just me, psycho." A voice whispered into your ears. The whisper sent chills down your spine. It was the whisper of Charlie, you're best friend. 

"Shit Charlie, sorry. I just couldn't sleep because-" You said, turning and pulling off your headphones. You still felt his arm around your waist. You didn't mind though. He was your best friend... that's okay. Best friends hold each other all of the time, right? Well maybe not. Neil and Todd didn't even do that and everyone saw they were more than friends... who knows. 

"You were too busy thinking about parents day?" He said with a sigh. You smiled and nodded.

"Me too... but... what are you listening to that's making you move like that?" Charlie asked with a smirk. Gosh your heart skipped a beat. He was your best friend but... gosh, that felt... amazing. Amazing in a way you just wanted to scream I LOVE YOU in his face. But not I love you in a friendly way. I love you in a OH MY GOSH JUST MARRY ME way.

"Oh... um- wait..." You said, unplugging your headphones from the player. You bent down. placing the cassette player on the floor and rewinding it. You looked up at Charlie for approval to play it. He nodded and bit his bottom lip. Gosh your heart- why were you feeling like this? Why were you feeling like you had a crush? What was Charlie doing to you? Whatever he was doing... you liked it. But you buried the feelings, pressing play on the cassette. That song, Susie, began playing again. You stood up and began to bop your head. Charlie copied your actions. You then raised your arms, swaying them in the romantic tension filled air. Charlie copied you, swinging his hips around, spinning in a circle. You ran your fingers through your hair, moving around him, and moving ahead of him. He followed you down the Welton halls. Then once again, you felt his arms. They tightly clenched your waist and his forehead slowly pressed against yours. Gosh you wanted more of him. Your lips were a centimeter away. You wanted to close the gap but you were scared. Maybe Charlie was just exhausted and bored and just wanted to dance with his best friend. But who dances with their best friend like this? I don't think anyone. This dancing was sensual and needy. It was like he wanted more of you in a not so friendly way. In a loving and romantic way. 

There was a drum build up within the song. Right at the two minute mark. The drums builded up and the song paused. All instruments stopped. Just for a second. That's when you and Charlie pulled away, looking at one another. You were both out of breath and tired but your eyes... your eyes were so lustful and awake and struck with fondness. That's when you couldn't hold it anymore. You had fallen in love with Charlie as he stared at you with such love. He had felt what you had been feeling all along. He felt it even more as you both crashed your lips together. His hands rubbed down your hides and down your thighs, picking you up off of the ground. Your arms grasped around his neck and shoulders as your legs tangled around his waist. He held you in the darkness of the hallway, the song still playing, the vocals blasting throughout the entire hallway. He pulled away from your lips and pushed your hair from your face, grasping your cheek as he did so. 

"Gosh you make me feel so alive." He panted as he kissed you again. He slowly placed you back on the floor and stroked his thumbs on your cheek bones. Gosh this was all happening. This was all real. This was everything you ever wanted. This is all you dreamed of. That was all he dreamed of as well. The moment he saw you when you both first met was galactic for him. His heart stopped and he couldn't take his eyes off of you. Not off of your beautiful face, not away from your stunning smile. Everything about you just completed him. Your laugh, your personality, your kindness, your wildness. It was all he ever needed. It was all he ever wanted. Now it's what he had. 

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang