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Author's Note: For the lovely @depressedmyass THANK YOU FOR REQUESTINGGG

Pitts threw Addriane's black and brown suitcase with a flannel design across it in his car trunk. Addriane leaned against the side of his car, the hot metal pressing against her shirt, warming her up a bit. He closed the trunk hard, making a loud noise, after he put the case inside of it. Pitts pushed his sunglasses up on his head and a grin grew across his face. He looked over at his beautiful lover. They grinned in joy but the grin had undertones of pure worry. Pitts saw. Pitts noticed. He knew what her natural smile truly looked like. It didn't look like she had a mask had on. It wasn't the smile she had on right now. He rubbed his hands down their bare arms and pushed her hair from her face. 

"My parents are just people. And they absolutely adore you! Not only that, they won't be there when we arrive. They had a brunch to attend. And we're staying in two seperate homes, okay?" Pitts assured Addriane as he brushed his lips on her forehead. She nodded as he kissed her once more. She had met Pitts parents before but this... this was different. They were spending three weeks together, Pitts and Addriane, Pitts mother and Pitts father. It was the teenagers summer vacation together, the second one they would be spending in a relationship together. Last year, they barely saw one another the entire summer. They just called and wrote letters. Neither of them had licenses, money, or time to visit one another. But this summer, they had all of that. Not only that, they had free will and freedom. So they decided to spend the entire summer together. Pitts did want to see his family though. So, the two of them decided to spend time at his parents summer home. His parents had a massive condo on the lake, right on the New York and Vermont border. The condo was so large, it could be split into two seperate homes, which was great for Pitts and Addriane. They got their own home but got to spend time with his parents. It was a lovely plan. 

Pitts held Addriane's hand the entire drive down to the home. The windows were rolled down, the wind was blowing through their hair. The air got warmer and warmer the farther they drove. Addriane would smile the warmer she got. She wasn't the biggest fan of being too cold. Pitts had given her one of his sweaters though, just in case she got too cold. They didn't want to roll up the windows or close the sunroof, so they both opted for one another's sweaters. 

Once they arrived, Addriane and Pitts just sat in the car for a long time. Addriane's hands were clammy and her stomach was spinning. Why was she so nervous? She had met them before! She just had to breath, in and out, slowly and taking her time. At least that's what Pitts said. He felt her clammy hands swimming and drowning in his massive hands. He rubbed her back when he decided to let go of her hands so they could shake off the nervousness themselves. 

He decided to get some of their baggage out of the trunk as she continued to sit in the car and calm herself down. She put her head out the window, inhaling the scents of the fresh cut grass and the sighs of the calm but choppy lake. She couldn't wait to go swimming in the next few weeks. That excitement made her feel better. So she kept her mind on that. She imagined Pitts and her having swimming races, kissing right under the dock, holding one another close under the sunset. Those ideas and fantasies sounded too good to be true. Soon, they'd be her reality. That idea she kept fathoming helped her work up the courage to get out of the car. 

She placed her canvas shoes on the gravel. She sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair and put her sunglasses on properly. Pitts saw her, looking around and up at their large vacation home. Her body language SCREAMED that she was amazed by the beautiful architecture! He walked up behind her and placed his large hands on her perfect waist that those strong hands of his fit perfectly around. He kissed her hair and put his arms around her. His lips moved down the side of her head, down her neck, and across her cheek so they met her naturally soft and plump lips. They kissed in sync as the summer winds picked up and worshipped them. Before they got too into the kissing, and before they'd be unable to stop, Addrianne pulled away. Pitts had a face full of blush and a cute little smile on that blushed face. 

"Show me around, love." Addrianne said as she took his hand once again. He nodded and picked up a few of their bags. They walked into the home and Adrianne gasped. It was a beautiful blue, white, and tan mix. It was made of all tile and it was simply gorgeous. She didn't need Pitts to show her around. She went off dawdling and getting lost. 

Eventually, Pitts found her. He picked her up, scaring the living crap at her. He held her bridal style in her arms and walked up the spiral staircase. He kissed her again, still craving the feeling of her lips on his. He brought her into a room and closed the door behind them. He looked at her to see if it was okay if he locked it. They nodded. He locked the door and ran over to her, kissing her lips. They kissed her lips gently, moving in a perfect rhythm once again. But that's when Adrianne didn't feel like kissing anymore. She wanted to go achieve those fantasies she had before. Swimming in the lake. 

"Wait- can we go swimming?" Addrianne asked. Pitts chuckled and rolled his eyes. 

"You killed the mood but of course we can." Addrianne cheered at him saying yes and kissed his cheek as a thank you. The two undressed and then redressed in their swimming outfits. Pitts took her downstairs so they could grab towels from the laundry room. Once that was done, he wasted no time in sprinting out to the lake, diving in, and practically leaving her on the dock. Once he came up from the bone chilling water, he put his arms up like he was going to catch her once she jumped in. She jumped in a direction that wouldn't hit and or hurt him. Then she swam back to him. He picked her up and threw her in the water. She screamed as her back slammed on the water... this means war! Adrianne thought as she tackled him into the lake. 

After Addrianne won the water fight with a brutally reigning victory, the two got out of the lake and stood in the sun with their towels wrapped tight around them to dry. Pitts asked if the two of them could just sit outside. It was such a beautiful day. Addrianne agreed, loving the feeling of the sun soaking into her skin. 

 "I want to read you facts about love, come sit with me." Pitts said as he took out a lounge chair and put his towel on it. He sat and put his arms and legs out. Addrianne looked at him and walked over, sitting down, with much confusion. 

"What?" She giggled. Pitts put his arms around her and held a book out. 

"I got this book, it's called Facts about Love. I figured it'd be nice to read together. Especially now, being it's so nice out." Pitts explained, sounding as if he was nervous. Addrianne looked up at him. Her grin slowly widened. That nervousness she felt before had disintegrated into absolutely nothing. Pitts made her feel better. All of the time. No matter what, he was just making her always feel fantastic. She kissed his lips as he rubbed their hand down his soft arm, interlocking their fingers. 

"That sounds lovely." Was all she managed to squeak out. Her happiness was overpowering her. She couldn't say anything else. 

As he was on fact twenty three and the sun continued to warm their damp but cherished bodies, a car pulled up. 

"MY KIDS!!!" Pitts mother shouted, leaving her husband in the car. She kissed Pitts head and pulled Adrianne into a massive hug, not caring the two kids were damp. What made Pitts happy was to see Addrianne wasn't worried anymore. She was amazingly happy. She was practically glowing. What made Addrianne happy was that Pitts mom said my kids, plural. Addrianne was included as a member of the family. She was always treated like one but now... she was offically there, a member! Pitts kissed her passionately when his mother looked away. 

"My kids." He repeated against her lips as he kissed her again. She blushed and kissed back, harder. This was going to be a great vacation. 

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