Way 81 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 81: Get rid of all the sweet things in the castle. Or, hide them. Either works.

(It is yet another cloudy night. The distant glistening of the faraway stars is blanketed by the soft, whispy clouds. Very little moonlight managed to seep through the curtains in the kitchen. Only the faint light of the fridge illuminated the scene, incriminating the mysterious Knight as he scavenged through the fridge. He was almost certain he had left a slice of cake in the fridge, aside from many other confectioneries. Yet, there was nothing but raw ingredients waiting to be cooked.

I slip through the doorway, my footsteps silenced by the light buzzing of the fridge. In a cocky manner, I lean up against the doorframe, with my arms folded and with an expression that can only mean "you're screwed".

Slowly, he notices my shadow looming over him, and he turns to face me. He hadn't considered the chances of someone else visiting the kitchen, and so he wasn't wearing his signature mask. I can see the faint, pink glow of his eyes, as he tries to conjure a false reason for him to be in the kitchen at such an hour.)

Me: You're here for the things Dedede threw out, aren't 'cha?

(I can see the plastered on smile fall from his face as I tell him what had gone on. The King claimed that everyone in the castle was going to be healthier, which was quite meaningful considering it was him who said it. The poor Knight retired to his room for the night, without anything to satisfy his sweet tooth.)

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