Way 16 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 16: Continuously say he's in love with you. Over and over. Tell everyone he likes you and you are is favourite person. Just don't stop telling people and make sure it sounds like a boast.

Me: Hey Tiff.
Tiff: Hey, you still fighting with Meta Knight?
Me: We are chill, and I'm his favourite person. He actually loves me.
Tiff: Wow, are you two a thing?
Me: Uhh, don't tell anyone but yes, we are.
Tiff: Aw, congratulations!

Me: Hey Tuff!
Tuff: Oh hey!
Me: Wanna hear something exciting?
Tuff: Sure, let's hear it.
Me: Remember, me and Meta Knight were fighting? Well, now we stopped and we are a thing now.
Tuff: I thought Meta Knight didn't love people in that way.
Me: Well, not usually. But I'm an exception.
Tuff: Wow.
Me: I didn't know he felt that way. But he does.
Tuff: Good luck with your new boyfriend.
Me: I'll take good care of him!

(Later, news has spread through Cappy Town. Meta Knight is not amused by any of this. )
Meta Knight: Why have you been spreading false information?
Me: Sh*t.
Meta Knight: Why did you do what you did? Do you..actually..have feelings for me or something...?
Me: That's for me to know and you to not.
Meta Knight: It would explain why you've been so bitter to me for the last few weeks.
Me: Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe?
Meta Knight: I'm not sure whether I should take that as a yes or a no.
Me: Ehhhh.
Meta Knight: Be serious about this, please. I just want to understand this situation properly.
Me: Hmph.
Meta Knight: I guess you don't want to talk then. Fine, I'll leave you be.
Me: Fine.
(Meta Knight walks off.)

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