Way 32 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 32: Get a Meta Knight plushie and act like it's him. I'm not sure if this'll scare him or actually annoy him.
Let's try.

Me: Hello Metty, you're looking quite nice today, my dear.
(Me and the plushie sat on a picnic blanket on the beach. The real Meta Knight was passing by and looked over. He felt a blush cross his face, but knew he wasn't the one being addressed. He walked over to see what was going on.)
Me: Aww, you're so cute.
Meta Knight: What's going on?
Me: I'm with Meta Knight right now.
(I make the plushie nuzzle Meta Knight.)
Meta Knight: You're sharing a meal with a plush figure of me?
Me: Mhm.
Meta Knight: Ok..you are getting out of hand.
Me: nuh uh!
Meta Knight: Yes, you are.
Me: I want to scream.
(I throw the plushie at him and run off.)
Meta Knight: The Halcandra was that?

Ways to piss off Meta KnightWhere stories live. Discover now