Way 15 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 15: Keep on laughing at him when he does something wrong. He'll definitely feel bad.
I think this is less "Pissing him off" and more "Straight up bullying him"

Meta Knight: G..good Morning.
Me: You just stuttered, does that mean you like me? Ahahah.
Meta Knight: No, I just stuttered. That's all.
Me: Mhm, ok then lover boy. Hahah.
Meta Knight: I'm not in love with you.
Me: I believe you.
Meta Knight: Really?
Me: ..no..

(Later, Meta Knight is fighting Kirby and he fails to correctly fire a sword beam at Kirby. The sword beam struck to the right of Kirby.)
(I laugh hysterically at him, considering he missed.)
Me: Master? More like Misser!
Meta Knight: It was one attack, no need to be so rude about it.
Me: You missed another one.
(While he was attempting to deal with the harassment I'm subjecting him to, he missed another attack.)
Me: Ahahah
(Meta Knight just stared at me, while Kirby still fought. While he wasn't looking, Kirby sliced his mask in half.)
Me: Oooh, looks like he lost to a baby star warrior. Ahahah.
(Meta Knight is completely humiliated by what I am saying. He rushes off in a hurry.)

Ways to piss off Meta KnightWhere stories live. Discover now