Way 31 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 31: Get him fired from his role as Head Knight. This will be difficult but you should definitely try this if you want a guaranteed pissed off Metty.

Me: Dedede? Meta Knight has been talking behind your back, I doubt you can trust him to be head Knight anymore.
Dedede: What's he said this time.
Me: That King Dedede is an overweight mess and he is stupid for paying him so much.
Dedede: Oh yeah? If he wants ta be so cocky about it then I can pay his nuthin'!
(Dedede shouts for Meta Knight, and he immediately comes to the throne room.)
Dedede: Your fired, Sword and Blade will take your place. Also, you won't be needing Galaxia anymore since you are fired.
(Meta Knight took a step back, in shock. He noticed me and scowled. I waved sarcastically at him, blowing him a kiss and winking. I think I got under his skin.)
Me: Ok, Sword and Blade are the new Head Knights!
Meta Knight: You did this, didn't you?

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