Way 38 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 38: Having a formal tea party but being informal. He's very formal to be honest. I'm sure it'll get to him.

Me: I wanna have a tea party.
Meta Knight: Well, go ahead and have one then.
Me: I'll invite...Kirby, you, Dedede, Bandana Waddle Dee.
Meta Knight: You should get ready, tea parties are quite formal. Go put on a dress or something.

(We're gathered in whispy Woods and I'm sat in a beat up suit. The shirt has sleeves reaching to my elbows and my blazer has no sleeves. I have a top hat on. I put informal music on and I'm sat there with one of my legs atop the other.)
Me: Hey Kirby!
Kirby: Poyo!
Me: Hey Bandana Waddle Dee!
Bandana Waddle Dee: Heya!
Me: What's up Dedede?
Dedede: Heyy!
Me: Yo Meta Knight!
Meta Knight: I thought these were supposed to be formal..?
Me: They are meant to be but I took a twist.
Meta Knight: Ok then.
Me: If ya don't like it then you can PISS THE FUCK OFF!
Meta Knight: Don't swear around Kirby.
Me: You do it.

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