Way 80 to piss off Meta Knight

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Way number 80: Say he needs to go on a diet. He is always snacking on parfaits, fondant and other confectionery items.

Me: Meta, you need to go on a diet.
Meta: Why?
Me: I know what you did last night..
Meta:..I don't know what you're talking about..

(I glare at him and he looks nervously at the ground.)

Me: I know about the parfait..
Meta: What parfait?
Me: I know.
Meta: I have no idea what you're talking about.

(Dedede walks into the room.)

Dedede: Meta, we need to talk.
Meta: What about sire?
Dedede: I've been told what you did last night.
Meta: I-I have no idea what you are all talking about..
Me: Mhm. That would explain why I found most of the ingredients for a parfait gone and why you were the only one awake last night.
Meta: You were awake as well!
Me: I never came out of my room.
Meta: Well, uh..
Dedede: Admit you had a parfait.
Meta: Fine, I did. But, promise me you will tell nobody about it.
Me: I make no promises, fool.

Ways to piss off Meta KnightWhere stories live. Discover now