Joke chapter if papalida asked sakurai empire

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"Y... I understand, sir!!!

"We... are upset," the emperor articulated slowly.

No one else dared to speak.

"Our oversight army was repulsed by a  few conceited barbarian countries to the east..."


"We believe it was... Japan and her unknown allies? Hmph... send them to destroy the Kingdom of Fenn, who has good relations with Japan. They have always been quite brazen. Show the other countries what happens to someone who takes Japan as an ally. Geographically, Fenn is closer to us, so it would not be profitable to attack Japan first... Are there any objections?"

There were none. Emperor Ludius turned to face the Supreme Commander.

"Is this acceptable, Arde?"

"Of course, Your Grace."

"This Japan and her allies who pushed back our oversight army may make an appearance as well."

"We'll simply destroy them as well. Though they are a weak army with old equipment, they still belong to the glorious empire, so to lose to a country outside the civilized areas... the 3rd foreign affairs department and the oversight army both bring shame on the empire."

Rrrgh!!! The face of 3rd department head Kyeos distorted into a grimace. Arde resumed speaking.

"Your Grace, what should we do with the Holy Land of Gahara, situated just next to Fenn?"

"We do not mind Gahara's people. There are still many unknowns concerning that country, but if they somehow become involved, then there is nothing to be done; your opponents will simply increase, but your victory is still assured. If possible, though, that situation should be avoided. We do not want to have exceptions during our generation... it is simply that... the first emperor took care of them."

"Will Your Grace allow me to take care of the strategy and finer details of the mission?"

"Indeed, do as you wish. Let us think... after the war, you may also do as you wish with the people and land in Fenn."

"Your Grace is too kind!!!"

The emperor had just granted an entire country and its people to a single organization. Being able to divide all of that up among the army would cause morale to skyrocket. Arde prostrated himself before the emperor.

"We... we... we are eternally grateful for Your Grace's magnanimity!!!"

The Kingdom of Fenn had a population of five million and vast lands. There was enough to make every soldier a noble even if they distributed it evenly. Arde's loyalty towards the emperor only grew stronger.

Kingdom of Fenn

The Kingdom of Fenn was 210 km east of the Papaldia Empire, a country in Fillades. East of Fenn was the Holy Land of Gahara, and 500 km east of Gahara was the island of Japan. Because they were situated between Japan and the continent, it was very important to Japan to be friendly with Fenn.

The entire kingdom was so safe that it resembled Japan and western Eurasia in times past. After the many countries that formed a diplomatic relationships, there were now regular high-speed ferry services that traveled to the capital city Amanoki as well as to a town on the west end of Fenn called Nishinomiyako that brought in droves of Japanese tourists for sightseeing. Compared to tourists from other countries, Japanese and Eurasian tourists were plentiful, well-behaved, and loose with their wallets, so the citizens of Fenn gladly welcomed them.

In addition, it was common knowledge that the Japanese and Eurasian army drove off Papaldia's oversight army, so the people of Fenn were extremely hospitable to the Japanese and Eurasian tourists. For example, it was very common for tourists trying to pay for local baskets (basically like taxis in Japan or the trans ride in Eurasia) to be told "I cannot take money from our benefactors" and have their payment refused.

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