Scene 16 - In Orbit

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We now view the TVR19 orbiting around the Earth with the background of space and its stars. After cutting to the inside, we see Fischler at the controls playing a music track. He jives in with the music enthusiastically and whole-heartedly.


This is the TVR19 transmitting in from the depths of space to all you lucky listeners wherever you are! Yahoo!

He spins around on his chair, and then we see the SKR5 orbiting around the Earth. Now inside the ship, Ned remains fast asleep as the controls operate accordingly. The ship may as well be piloting itself as he is fast asleep. His book and his plant float about in the ship. We hear the heavy snoring of Ned and then cut back down to Glenn Field Assembly Control. The Controller monitors the orbit of the ships holographically.


Course of both SKR5 and TVR19 in correct position. Good. Glenn Field Assembly Control to Colonel Casey of the Global Defence Force

We see the holographic image of the Colonel appear again.


Go ahead, Controller.


The entire operation is running smoothly. The ships are in perfect orbit and are effectively disguised to look as though they could be among one of the many satellites orbiting the Earth.


Good, Controller. Everything must be in place for the safe return of the Zero X and International Rescue. I just hope those boys out there are alright...

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