"It is ethical to remind my patient which brought the patient here." Eric answered as dryly as she had made the question. "You were brought here because you were self-medicating."

"Which I am not doing as all my toxicology tests report since the first day I started therapy with you and yet you decided that we were unfit to take care of our own child." Ellie argued too.

"Is working helping you?" The therapist decided to continue the session. Ellie turned her face fast away from him showing some disdain for him not listening to her one more time. "Ellie..." He called her and she turned her face again. Her eyes a bit narrowed but he was used to her attitude.

"Of course." She nodded. "I missed work. I even said so in one of the initial sessions. I have been busy helping my sister with her wedding, which makes me smile to tell the truth. I don't cry every day as I used to if that's the answer you are looking for. I am sad, yes. I want my girl, yes. Am I gonna get my girl back? Yes, I am."

"I like that determination." Eric smiled, but Ellie didn't. Ever since the day Heaven was delivered to her grandparents that he was not able to yank a smile from her.

"Then, why are you still keeping our baby away from us? She asked. "You know we are doing fine."

"I need to be sure." Eric responded dryly. "I am not a friend, Ellie. I am not someone measuring forces with you and Chris. I am a doctor following a protocol and only when I have enough evidence of your sobriety and Chris's, Heaven is coming back home." He was adamant and Ellie was taken by surprise.

"I think you have enough evidence by now." She said though. Her voice shaking and she cleaned her eyes.

"I know you miss your baby." Eric added.

"No, you don't." Ellie shot immediately. "Have you ever had your kids taken away from you?" She waited a few seconds for his answer, but Eric didn't react. "So, you don't know anything."

"How are things with Chris?" Eric ignored her comment.

"Hasn't he been talking to you about it?" Ellie shrugged. "You must know."

"I want to hear your version." Eric clarified patiently. "I know his. I know what he tells me but I want to know how you feel. Your vision..." It was her time to lean with her elbows on the desk and she looked in his eyes.

"We are good." She said which surprised him. After all her pre preparation, he was expecting a more elaborated answer, but Ellie was tough. Chris was being much easier than her.

"Define good." He insisted.

"We..." She hesitated and looked outside for a few seconds, but he saw a soft genuine smile on her lips which pleased him. He took note of that. "We are us again." She then said, looking back at him. "Despite all, we encountered our way back to one another. We talk and we make time for one another every day." Eric nodded.

"Does that make you feel happy?" He asked her. " Safer?"

"It makes me feel both." Ellie responded. "Happy because I love Chris. I never stopped loving him, but we had strayed somehow. None of us noticed it but it happened. I also feel safer because that's how I always felt when we're one. We are two people but we are one entity. Do you understand what I mean?" Ellie asked less aggressively. He also took note of it.

"Yes." Eric nodded. "Respecting your differences but being one as a couple."


"That's very good." Eric attempted a smile at her but she didn't smile back.

"I think we should finish the session." She said instead and he curled an eyebrow. "We have some friends coming over for a barbecue and Chris must be getting here at any time now. We started our session later..." She pointed out.

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