Chapter 36: A Dead End

Start from the beginning

A burst of gruff laughter escaped the Warden's lips. "You underestimate your own partner. Her first impression was remarkable. And I see now, you have had the same encounter." The Warden crossed his muscular arms facing Hisoka, then Ahmad, then the transparent beast. He knew they were all moved by her at some point.

Ahmad caught up with Hisoka. The wolf flew through the ceiling and disappeared.

"Hmm, so this is merely a pitstop," Ahmad said. The Warden was indeed not helping at all. And it was strange for him to talk to the intruders in a jolly manner.

Suddenly a hefty rumbling noise scraped across the floor. The bookshelf Hisoka was near had slid right, revealing an opening to the outside.

The Warden calmly sat back down at his desk ignoring Hisoka's discovery.

"Ahhhh...the exit~" Hisoka placed his hand on his hips, taking in the view of the jungle on the top floor. The tall canopies stooped a few meters below the opening. They faced in a direction away from the city, most likely to keep this exit hidden. Benny floated down in front of him.

Hmmm~ the old goat is right. Raine must have opened his mind to something. He knows something we don't. He knows the history of her, of this village. And she's with a friend? What friend? The other man of course. Would she have kept going? To finish the mission than find us? Most likely...

Raine doesn't need me...

Maybe we should stop searching and regroup. But...the blood~

He remembered the tiny drops of dotted bloodstains that splattered the wall. Quite the mysterious crime scene when Raine was not the type to struggle.

"Was she...injured?~" Hisoka calmly asked. The beauty of the open jungle he stood before did not faze him. The Warden didn't respond until Hisoka turned around.

"For the right reasons, I presume," he answered vaguely.

Hisoka met the eyes of the old man which glinted a heavenly gold. For the first time, his buzzing energy fell faint to his desires.

It couldn't compare.

Ahmad stood closer to Hisoka, gazing towards the same enchanting landscape. He sighed, "Sounds like her."

Hisoka placed his feet on the edge. The Warden's lack of intel served no more purpose. She clearly left from here, and time was pinning them down. He was about to leap off into the thick foliage when suddenly...their cones vibrated.


Ahmad took out his fuchsia colored rock, studying it meticulously. He held it in front of him like a compass, then turned toward the door of the room. "I can only assume it's coming from the others. The vibration is still strong, so they're still nearby in the market town."

Hisoka took his out too, raising an eyebrow.


"Hisoka, we should head back. They probably need Benny or something came up." He tucked the cone away. "If Raine has her cone, she'll sense it and meet us. There's no point in chasing her."

Hisoka peered to the door, then the secret exit.

He's right. A waste to chase her, even for me. She would probably use it to regroup...but that doesn't guarantee she'll want to...

So let's say she doesn't regroup. Where would she go?~

Hisoka crossed his arms and turned towards Ahmad in a sly pose. "Her necklace is most certainly gone yes?~" The Warden acknowledged him with a slight glance. "Would she not be going after it then?~" Hisoka continued. "She wouldn't let the enemy take advantage and might even face him herself~"

"On her own? She couldn't take him alone," Ahmad said.

"Perhaps her new friend knows something~"

"Then she would let us know too."

"That's assuming she even has the come to begin with~"

"It would still be a waste to send you." Ahmad shot back, understanding what he wanted. "You have always been on the side observing but we could really use your skills to carry out a plan. Take part of the mission already."

"Oh, but I won't be long~" Hisoka smiled ignoring his encouragement. Ahmad frowned.

Hisoka still wasn't used to following someone else's plan when it came to his selfish desires. A subtle movement caught his eye as he peaked at the Warden's expression. He was obviously enjoying their inquisition but still did not care to step in.

It's strange how the Warden knows this place is on lockdown. He knows it's under attack.
Then it must be true, he's using it as a cover. Already secretly helping us.

The Warden laughed in his husky voice, sipping an orange liquid. "She really has befriended the boss's right hand." Benny was sitting calmly looking back and forth between them. Then the Warden finally spoke to them. "Did you know she also made a commitment to save the prisoners if she finishes this mission alive?"

Hisoka stifled a gasp. He knows what she's like~

Hisoka let out a breath and waited for Ahmad. The Warden knew just what to say to make him change courses. His intuition might even be just as sharp as Raine's.

"We'll send Benny to update us. He's the best spy and messenger. We're heading back," Ahmad finished. The dog wagged his tail and floated up. The men approached the edge of the exit. The Warden's voice faded as they jumped off.

"May your fates be blessed by your own humbling sacrifices."


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