Chapter 4

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In the early morning, the group finally reached the Cyber Center. The group left Commander Cody and Kix behind, as they waited for their evacuation squad to come get them. Cora made sure Cody was comfortable enough behind she left him, trying her best to ease his pain. Kix promised her that he would take care of Cody and let them know if anything were to happen.

It had been a long night of the men in the Bad Batch picking on the "regs", as they called them. Cora Tane swore that she rolled her eyes more in just a few hours then she did in her entire life. It was something to see. Rex tried to keep Jesse in line, even after the many comments Crosshair laid on them. Hunter continued to keep his men in line, although it wasn't easy.

But the Bad Batch respected their leader, both Rex and Hunter. They listened to their own leader, grumbling with understanding. They all had the same job and promised to fall through with it.

Cora chatted with Tech for a majority of the trip. He was a very fascinating clone to her.

"I'm surprised you survived with this crew." Cora said sarcastically after Hunter snapped at Crosshair for a comment towards Jesse.

"I see no need for child like behaviour." He said looking at Crosshair who glared at him. "It is a waste of time and unnecessary."

"I can agree with that." She said looking around at the trees above them. "Are you always the leave headed on?"

Tech looked up from his pad, he looked straight ahead. "I would not consider myself the leave headed on, that would be Hunter."

"Really?" She questioned. The two looked ahead of the group where Hunter was talking with Rex.

"Yes." Tech stated. "He has his moments but he is our Commander for a reason. To be a Sergeant, you have to be leave headed, quick, and a leader." Tech turned to her, "But I am no expert in the commanding field." He said looking back towards his pad.

Rex suddenly stopped, making the whole group stop and listen around them. He put his hand up, telling the group to stop, pointing ahead, above the trees. Looking through the oddly shaped trees above the group, a small outpost was just in front of them.

"Not our primary target." Hunter said as the group crouched in the bushes.

"It's an outpost." Cora said looking between the shoulders of Rex and Hunter.

"Should we take it?" Hunter questioned.

"Probably easier than going around." Rex admitted. The group stood as their Captain did.

"Alright, what are your orders? Do we pick them off one by one in the tree line?" Hunter shrugged.

Rex hesitated "Actually," Rex glanced at Cora, "I was think we'd take a page from your book. Rush them head on." He picked up his blasters and Cora knew he was smirking under his helmet.

Hunter chuckled, looking back to his squad, "I think your style."

The group rushed from their hiding place, running straight towards the droids who were guarding the small outpost. Cora thought the plan was crazy, but she was too excited and ready to fight for what they believed in, which was helping Rex. Cora took out her double blasters, something Rex had taught her, and blasted away three droids. Smiling under her helmet, she kick another away from her as the other clones destroyed their own. Looking through the doorway of the building, Cora nodded to Rex who was opposite of her. Both ran inside as Cora fiddled with the small elevator on the inside. Once most of the squad, expect Wrecker who was still blasting droids away, got on the small platform, she pressed the button and they were sent to the top level of the outpost.

The team readied themselves once they reached the top. Standing in between Tech and Jesse, at the top, she rushed forward and pushed the droid into the wall, Tech blasted its head off. Cora nodded as she drew her blasters, shooting the droid next to Tech. Turning towards the rest of the team, she blasted at the last few droids around as Wrecker came up to the top.

"Is it over?" Wrecker groaned, upset he missed majority of the droids to the others. "Aw man."

"You haven't lost your touch." Rex chuckled as Cora took off her helmet.

Hunter also took of his helmet and approached Rex and Cora, "Not bad, for a reg and a Senator." He punched Rex in the shoulder, which earned a dirty glare from Cora.

Cora walked towards the giant windows surrounding them. Looking out towards the valley, she saw another small tower like building. "There's the Cyber Center." She pointed down as the others looked out over with her.

Tech, who was picking around the computers in the room spoke up, "It looks like the Cyber Center itself
has minimal guards, about 30 droids. Oh..." he looked closer to the screen. "Wait. Wait!
I got a massive signal coming in. A whole platoon of droids is headed this way."

"Someone noticed our handiwork back at the crash site." Hunter said.

"Tech," Cora said looking to the screen, "keep us posted with those droids.

"We have to move quickly to reach the Cyber Center." Rex said sternly, "I want to know when they reach this outpost."

"You got it Cap, and Senator." He turned back and kept track on the computer.

"We can grab some speeder bikes and flank them from the back." Hunter said, "Crosshair can go high while we stay low." Hunter turned to Cora, "What do you say Senator," he smirked, "care to join us?"

Cora was lost in thought for a moment, snapping from her mind she huffed. "Oh no." She said, "I think I'll stick with my Captain." Turning to Rex he nodded and motioned for Jesse to follow him.

Putting her helmet back on her head, Jesse, Rex and Cora took the elevator back down to the base where all the droids lay broken and destroyed.

"Those clones are something else." Jesse said as the three made their way towards the Cyber Center.

"They're definitely different." Cora admitted.

"I think the Republic could use more clones like them." Rex said.

"I sense more missions with them ahead." Jesse chuckled.

"Oh god, I hope not." Cora joked as they reached the Cyber Center.

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