Chapter 13 - Interim - Rewritten

Start from the beginning

"So, what's the plan?" asks Anakin, letting his hood fall back. He runs a hand through his hair, considering their options. It's nice to be able to force his mind to focus on something other than his pain and fear. He's privately surprised that Dooku let him remain secluded as long as he did. Attacking the Chancellor in the Senate could be very risky. The security there is immensely strong. It would take a carefully laid plan to succeed, not to mention inevitably being labeled as a traitor until such time as Palpatine's guilt could be definitively proven to the Senate and the galaxy as a whole.

"We have no choice but to go after Sidious on Coruscant, however, we will need further assistance," Dooku explains.

Uh oh. For some reason, Anakin doesn't like the sound of that. Dooku's expression is steely, hinting that he won't accept any arguments, and whatever he's planning to say won't be well received. No. He can't be planning to choose – He couldn't be that cruel, could he?

"I understand," Anakin says carefully, narrowing his eyes.

"I know this might be hard, but I think we should enlist the help of Master Kenobi." There's a tinge of sympathy in his brown eyes as he looks at Anakin.

"No!" Anakin explodes, "Absolutely not!" There's no way he can possibly be expected to see, much less work with, Obi-Wan after only a few short days. He knows he couldn't handle it emotionally.

"Skywalker –" begins Dooku, sounding somewhat regretful.

"No!" yells Anakin, interrupting him, something he would never do if he was in his right mind. An anger he didn't realize he had ignites, and he clenches his fists. Obi-Wan hurt him. Terribly. There's no way Dooku can be expecting him to get over it in so short a time. He knows rationally that he needs to be able to put aside his emotions for the betterment of the galaxy, but this – this is personal.

The Count sighs, looking somewhat exasperated, but Anakin doesn't really care. He can't talk to Obi-Wan. Not right now. Everything is still too raw. Dooku appears ready to continue the argument when the sound of beeping interrupts, signaling an incoming transmission.

In an instant, Dooku's expression becomes grave. "It's Sidious," he warns, "If you want to remain in the room, stay on the side and shield your presence."

Anakin stiffens imperceptibly, nodding silently. He rises, stepping to a corner of the room, where he pulls his hood back up and leans against the wall, crossing him arms. Reaching out to the Force, he draws it close, cloaking himself. Seemingly satisfied, Dooku receives the transmission after shifting his position and dropping to one knee submissively. Anakin can't help but feel sick, knowing that it could have been him there if not for the fact that he agreed to help Dooku eliminate Sidious.

"Lord Tyrannus," Sidious' dark voice rasps, "I have heard rumors that Skywalker has killed himself, but I know he still lives." Right now, he sounds nothing like what Anakin remembered. The darkness in his voice is enough to send shivers down Anakin's spine. Even though he knows Sidious can't see him, he still presses further away from the transmission. The last thing he wants is to accidently alert the Sith to his presence.

"I have heard nothing," Dooku replies quietly.

"I do not know where he has gone," Sidious continues, almost as though he never heard his apprentice's comment, "But I want you to find him. Do not fail me, Lord Tyannus. I want you to capture Skywalker at any cost. If necessary, you can use Kenobi to draw him out of hiding. That man has been a thorn in my side since the beginning, and I would not be upset if he met... an unfortunate fate."

"I understand, my Master," answers Dooku, bowing his head.

"Good," chuckles Sidious, "See to it, my apprentice." With those words, he disconnects the transmission.

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