A Feud had Been Settled

Start from the beginning

Arbiter: Well, I'm feeling my time is coming...it's been a trip watching humanity grow after our defeat. Besides that, I'm glad I was able to see it happ-

She choked on her words, bending over and covering her mouth as if she was about to throw up. She slowly stood straight and looked to Bismarck and Roon, showing her now blue left eye.

Arbiter: Damn...I almost don't get too say goodbye...

Bismarck walked closer to her, putting her hand on the taller woman's shoulder.

Bismarck: Despite everything you've done...I'm happy you at least kept to the promise of keeping the Sirens away

Arbiter looked at her, smiling softly.

Arbiter: I did, but I made a small exception to a good friend of mine...

A small figure was busy at work, using contraptions built from the metal and parts they bought to do the manual work of plowing fields and tending to them.

Arbiter: She won't cause you any harm, I know that much

They took off the hat on their head, revealing a small pouch inside that they opened and tossed several seeds from, bringing chickens around her to feed.

Her golden eyes shined in delight at the sight in front of her, knowing that her Empress truly did save her life that day.

Alpha: 2 years...and I've never been more at peace

She bent down and gently pet one of the chicks that ran up to her leg.

Alpha: Thank you Arbiter...I'll make sure to keep this place going for many years to come

She looked over to the edge of the fields, looking at the sign at the entrance of the farm.

Relics Farm

Arbiter: So don't worry too much...she won't cause problems

She coughed into her hand, shaking on her knees as she leaned into Bismarck.

Arbiter: W-well shit...I'm already feeling faint

She quietly chuckled, but the gravity of the situation was still clear as day.

Arbiter was truly dying

Bismarck set her on the ground, as the others finally came down from the path.

Eugen: We still didn't see anything, so what's important about...her...

Their eyes fell on their mother's/aunt's figure, and before any of them did anything, Bismarck put her hand up.

Bismarck: This isn't mother, not yet at least

Enterprise: What do you mean not yet?! What the hell did we miss?!

Arbiter: Surprise...I'm Arbiter and I'm dying...

Enterprise: Oh...damn

Arbiter coughed again, as her dual colored eyes flickered and dulled.

Arbiter: Oh...she's definitely waking now. Can...can I have a last request?


Bismarck: I don't see why you can't...what is it?

Arbiter: Call...call me Auntie Seena...just once...


Bismarck looked back to the others, who all seemed to cave under her demand and decided to go along.

Bismarck: Of course, we can always do that Auntie Seena

Eugen: A shame you became what you did, but it would have been great getting to know you Auntie

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