Andre x reader

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"How much do I get paid?"

"Every time you meet with them, 200 silver pounds."

"300." you crossed your arms. Andre scoffed to himself. He looked down at his desk then back up to meet your eye. "300 it is, for each of you." You then wished you asked for higher but you wanted to get it over with. "So, what is the first mission that you had to meet us tonight?" Philomena asked softly, she liked this Major, you could tell. It was then you knew they had met before tonight. They had history.

"Both men will be attending a neutral tavern, I will rescue you both by coming into the rooms before either of you have to have-" he paused, "-intercourse." he lightly bit his lip before continuing. "Once I enter the respective men will be captured, interrogated, you girls play the role of the helpless woman. Wrong place, wrong time."

"Sounds... safe enough." you say, hoping he would indeed walk in before things got to dangerous between you and the General you had to meet. "Tomorrow night, we will go to the Mary Tavern. Miss Cheer you already know what the men look like, you will help Miss [y/l/n] to General Homewood. "

"Of course."

"You two may leave." Major Andre sat down at his desk as Amara took you and Philomena to the door. You went back home and to your shared room. "I am so glad you agreed to help Major Andre. I promise, he will rescue you from the room."

"I believe you. You have meet him before. He is the man you slept with not too long ago, is he not?" you ask getting ready to turn in for the night. "He is."

"Well, okay then." You jumped into bed. "Night Mina." Philomena jumped into bed aswell. "Night [n/n[nick-name]]."

You took a look in the mirror. You liked the dress but you worried about, well, just you. "You are beautiful [n/n]." Philomena rubbed your shoulders and hugged you from behind. "It's not, it is, but it is also not if that makes since?"

"Worry not." you touched cheek to cheek and she held your arms. "You are wonderful hun, just use your looks to seduce General Homewood and to keep him an arm away. I believe in you."

"Thank you, Mina."

You and Philomena walked into the Mary Tavern. "There." she pointed with her eyes to where General Homewood was sitting, talking to several other gentlemen. He wasn't bad looking, certainly not as bad as General Lee. "Okay." you told yourself as Philomena made her way to Lee. "You got this." You too began to walk over slowly. You could tell just from the way he looked at you and made eye contact that he was already smitten by you. "Ivy, is this your beloved half-sister )fls=false) Miss [fls/n]?" Spoke Lee.

"Yes, tis' I am." You looked to to Homewood. He held out his hand and you took it and sat onto his lap. "How fair a young lady." You smiled at his compliment. Philomena was right, you got this. You began to believe in yourself. Just another role. Another performance.

After some chit-chat and drinking. You saw the signal that Andre was here. "Shall we go upstairs?" you whispered into Homewood's ear. He smiled and you rose from his lap and took his hand and led him to the room Andre booked for you to take Homewood into. You made sure Homewood entered first and then closed the door behind you blocking the knob and lock with your body to make it look as if you locked the door.

He sat on the bed. You walked slowly towards him, moving your hips. You went to his ear. "Close your eyes." you then blindfold him with your handkerchief. "What's this?" he asked. "A little game." You backed from him. "Find me."

"Find you?" he asked curiously and with an intrigued tone. "Every time you find me, I remove a piece of clothing of either you or me." you saw his lust and joy spark. "Find me." You let him catch you a couple times. You took his wig and coat, you made sure he heard you remove your shoes so he could be lolled into a false since of what he hoped was going to happen. Andre entered the room with two men, one pretended to hold you with your mouth covered one arm behind your back. "Find me." he said. Homewood removed his blindfold and the other man grabbed him.

Turn: Washington's Spies: HamiltonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora