BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas (Part 2)

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"Blake?" I repeated.

"Blake?" Lexi stood besides me, a glass of water in her hand as the kids stayed in the kitchen.

Blake pushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "Did I intrude or...?"

"Yeah, you did!" Charlie exclaimed from the kitchen.

"We were having dessert! Leave!" Alexa added, and I turned to the children.

"Kids, come here." They followed me to the door and looked at Blake as I spoke. "This is...Blake. She was someone I knew from highschool."

"Is it the witch that you were talking about mommy?"

Alexis spat out her water and I looked at the kids, horrified. Crouching down, I pulled Charlie closer to me.

"Charlotte, I'm confiscating your kit kats. They'll go to Alexa from now on." I whispered.


I gave her a kiss on the cheek before standing tall again. "Oh, where are my manners? Come into our lovely mansion."

Alexis nudged my side as I shrugged, moving so that Blake could enter. Alexa and Charlie mimicked Blake's steps and slouch as she sat on the couch. I closed the door and Charlie tugged on my shirt.


"I think we need to get a new couch when she's out of here." She whispered in my ear. "I don't want to smell like...poverty and shame."

"And now your TV time is reduced." I sighed, picking her up and walking to the couch.

"Mom!" She whined, and I gave her another kiss on the forehead.

As we sat down, Blake sitting far away from us, I stared at her, shaking my head in sadness before stifling a chuckle. Call it whatever you want, but this is where I think I started being a little bit too petty.

"Alexis honey, can you go get some tequila from the kitchen? Preferably with ice, baby." I asked her, watching her search my eyes.

Once she caught my drift, she nodded. "Would you like me to mix it with the bourbon and wine? I know that's your favorite."

"You know me so well, baby." I blew her a kiss as I fixated Charlie on my lap, looking at Blake. "Would you like anything, Blake?"

Blake looked at me uncomfortably, shaking her head. "I think I'm okay, I don't want to get drunk."

"But darling, you should definitely try the mixture of bourbon and wine, we bought it from the finest winery in town. Do you know where it is?" I asked her, watching her shake her head again. "Oh, right, I forgot! You were in jail! Unless they served you good stuff in there?"

"I told you it was the raggedy blonde that was on the newspapers!" Charlie pointed at Alexa, who stuck out her tongue. "You owe me a dollar!"

"Charlotte, Alexandria." Alexis came back, her tone dangerously dark. "Please go upstairs and play with your dolls. The adults need to talk."

Charlotte looked at me. "Can I play on my playstation?"

I gave her a little wink. "Only if you play with Alexa."

"Fine." She sighed, getting off my lap and leaving with Alexa as they laughed, running up the stairs.

Once they were gone, I switched seats and sat besides Alexis, who had replaced her water with wine. For good measure, I put my arm around her shoulders as I gave Blake a smirk.

"How did you get out of prison?" I asked her before she could even utter a word.

"My husband...he bailed me out." She replied, fiddling her fingers.

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