19: Rule 5- Not Everything Needs Your Attention

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"Well, you've definitely outdone yourself, Cameron." Rose pat my back as we all stared at the board with my rules on it. "What do you want us to do about this?"

"Like I just said, I need you guys to add." I murmured,  staring at each one of them. "We all had our fair share of discrimination issues, might as well share your opinions and give us your point of view."

There was silence that followed the classroom. Mr Dale and the other teachers had a meeting, but asked for clubs to continue as long as we are under control. Currently, we're discussing the rules that I made on How To NOT Be Straight, and that's all I could come up with for the time being. Per Alexis's request, I shared it, and now we're stuck figuring out what the fuck we should add.

"C'mon guys, let's help each other." I sighed. "Look at rule 4, be strong enough to say what you want, no one will disagree with you."

"Well, except me though." Rose laughed, and high fived Terry. When the fuck did they become buddy buddy? And how did it happen before I could become buddy buddy with her?

"Roseanne." I rolled my eyes at her, my voice thick with frustration. "That's not what I needed you to say."

"Oh, what did you want me to say? How anyone should speak up and make a fool out of themselves-"

"Maybe you should try being more encouraging instead of bringing someone down." I scoffed. "Just be kind."

As if inspired by my lasting words, Emily snatched the whiteboard marker out of my hand and began to write on the board. Her handwriting was in cursive, and I admired that she could write that neatly while I write like the devil was forcing my hand down onto the paper against my will.

She finished writing and faced us, "I think this should be the next rule."

Felix laughed. "Be kind? That gets you nowhere in this modern day and age."

"Actually, Felix, kindness gets you further than you've ever known." Alexis defended Emily, making the young girl smile. "People may be rude to you, but you shouldn't retaliate with the same anger rather show love than hate."

Rose gave Alexis a smug look. "I guess you're a church goer, huh?"

"That was not necessary, Roseanne." I stepped up to defend Alexis. "I mean, hell, I go to church but I'm not kind because a book tells me to be kind."

"You're understandable because you're anything but kind." Rose waved me off. "What I don't understand is why the shy girl is telling us to be kind always."

"It's because it's the right thing to do." Emily said with the upmost confidence that shocked me as well as the others. "People may treat you like shit, but don't treat them like shit in return, rather treat them like a fucking human being."

"How do you do that, huh Emily?" Rose didn't seem convinced, turning to mock Emily. "By turning the other cheek when they slap you? Huh?"

"By letting go." Emily said firmly. "Not everything needs your attention, Roseanne, because not everything matters." She shrugged, her tone changing considerably. "But you wouldn't know that, would you? Considering you ditched those that loved you to the moon-"

"Shut up." Rose gritted, and I remained silent.

"And let them be torn down by those animals alone, all because you couldn't accept the fact that they're a lesbian." Emily continued. "You let that small detail affect your fucking friendship, so when I tell you that not everything needs your attention, I mean it."

"Don't speak on a situation you know nothing about, Emily." Rose warned her, hands forming into fists. "It won't end well."

"I think I have the right to say whatever the fuck I want, Roseanne." Emily cocked her head, her mass of dark hair falling onto her face and  shoulder. "So don't ever try to silence me."

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