27: I wouldn't have done it to you

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Michael barricaded the door shut as I checked the time on my phone; 3PM. Not bad for a small group cleaning the gym.

"You only have me for 15 minutes. Nothing more, nothing less." I told them. "After that, I'm out."

"Yes ma'am." Daniel put a hand up to his head. "Mike, you done?"

"Yeah, no one's walking through that door." He nodded, and walked to where Daniel was sitting. "Wanna face us or keep your back forever turned on us, Cam?"

I walked to the teacher's desk and sat on top of it, pulling out blue string from my braids. "I wonder how good I'd look with white braids, awesome right?"

"We have 3 weeks left of school and you're talking about your hair?" Mike rolled his eyes. "Guess some things haven't changed."

"Speaking of change, what's been going on in your lives guys? Well, you know, besides making my life a living hell each and every day." I laughed, slapping my thigh. "Oh God, I'm funny."

"Hey, at least one thing's changed." Mike murmured. "You said 'Oh God' and not 'Oh Satan' lile you used to."

"I got used to hearing the word God so many times I decided to scratch Satan from my vocabulary altogether." I shrugged, "Okay, that was a lie. I just happened to not be a blasphemous bastard today."

"You said the Lord's name in vain though."

I looked confused. "Oh you thought I meant blasphemous to God? No, of course not. I meant to Satan."

"You gave us 15 minutes, stop stalling and get to the point."

"Actually you do it, you are the ones that wanted to talk to le anyways." I shot back. "I'm not gonna pretend like I wanted to talk to you."

"Yes you did, because if you didn't want to talk to us, you would've walked out that door and not looked back." Mike pointed at the door. "But you're here, aren't you?"

"You know what? You're right. Let me leave."

"Cameron no!"

Tired of the mindless banter, I got straight to the point rather too bluntly. "What did I ever do to you? Daniel, Michael, what did I do to deserve everything you've done to me? Huh?"

They remained silent.

"Y'all really aren't going to say anything?"

The silence continued.

"Maybe this was a mistake. I should've just gotten some ice cream with Alexis or something." I retracted, getting off the desk. "I'll be on my way."

"Cam, sit, please." Daniel finally spoke and I sat down. "We'll talk, just please stay."

"Why did you do it?" I asked quietly, looking directly into their eyes.

"At first, it was a joke."

"What?!" I yelled, getting up. "So you thought that verbally abusing me and spreading rumors is funny? Is that what you thought?"

"Hear us out." Daniel pleaded.

"You guys are the worst, I don't even know why I associated with you in the first place." I spat, "You make me sick, so fucking sic-"

"Cameron, hear us out!" Mike yelled, and I took a step back, watching as his hands clenched into fists.

"We thought you were joking about liking girls." Daniel said slowly. "At first it was just to call your bluff, but when we realized you weren't joking, it turned to anger."

"We got so angry at you for keeping such a huge secret. We got so mad that you decided to turn lesbian knowing how beautiful you are. We got so mad and thought that all the dating you'd done previously, dating Daniel, Jason, and others as an act. It felt like you used us for your stupid act, so we wanted to pay you back."

"Do you 2 even hear yourselves right now?" I asked. "How dumb you sound? You sound like some whiny bitch that wants to blame your actions on me. You humiliated me for over a year, made me think I was worthless, that I should be a man because I already like females. You made me feel like dying!" I got closer to them. "And you thought that it was cool to abuse me each and every day? To call me a faggot, to pull my hair, to tell me to cut it off because I'm a man? And now you think because of your anger you're justified to do whatever the fuck you want with me? Because I'd have witty comebacks and take that shit like a champ you think it's okay to play with my feelings like that? You're dealing with a human fucking being and you think that shit is funny?"

"It wasn't, and we were so blinded by our anger that we couldn't see your side of things." Mike sighed. "We tormented you, destroyed your self esteem, and watched as everyone else did the same. But, I really want to say I'm sorry, I've seen it from your point of view, how I've hurt you, and how I damaged you. I'm so sorry."

"And why are you noticing your mistakes now, huh? Why?"

Daniel walked closer towards le until we were centimeters apart. He looked down at me, and I didn't waiver as I stared back at him.

"Because you spoke up." Daniel simply stated. "You told us your feelings, and you let us know what you're feeling."

I didn't reply and he continued, taking my badge off and putting it on himself. "You let me know what we did was wrong, and we wanted to make a change. To apologize, to make things right between us and everyone we wronged. I know it may be a little late because of all the damage we caused, and because of how we approached you about everything, but we really want to apologize."

"Oh because I finally spoke up you had the balls to come and apologise? Shit, maybe I really should become a public speaker or something." I attempted to joke, but nonetheless I was hurt.

"Jones, we're apologizing. Please stop with the dry jokes." Daniel murmured. "We really do feel bad for everything, and we're sorry. So sorry."

"I would have never done it to you." I quietly commented. "I would have never done it to you at all. No one deserves the kind of pain I went through."

"And you're right Cameron." Mike spoke next, and I turned my attention to him. "No human ever deserves what we did to you, and we want to make sure no other person goes through this as long as we're here. It's the least we could do to make it up to you for everything."

"Are you...are you guys asking for forgiveness?" I asked, taking a few steps back as they both nodded, and got on their knees. "Woah, stand up my dudes. I'm not God here, and you're not giving me head, so might as well get up."

"Cameron." Mike smiled a bit. "Don't be an idiot."

"Hey, I'm just making the atmosphere a little lighter, we're all a bit tense." I shrugged. "But seriously, get up, don't kneel in front of me unless you're giving me head or something."

They didn't budge and I moved closer to them. "Can't you idiots hear me? Well, I might as well remove my pants and let you two at it-"

Mike grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, standing up. Daniel joined in, hugging my upper body as Mike did the lower. I didn't know what to do, and instead pat Mike's back. They both pulled away, and Mike tried pushing one of my braids out of my face, but I dodged and did it myself.

"Okay, I guess we aren't friends quite yet."

"You got that right, homie." I smiled, and both gave them a slap to the chest. "See you later hoes!"

I walked to the door, and paused. "But I don't think the possibility of us being friends again is entirely out of the picture." I uttered, watching as they both gave me a nod. Pushing the chairs out of the way, I opened the door, and walked out, my chest a little lighter, and my mind a bit more free.

How To NOT Be Straight✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora