49: Rule 12- And Remember To Always Be Yourself.

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I descended down the stairs, feeling queasy. I didn't tell Alexis I was going to be her date, even though it would've made sense. After arguing about going for prom, it was only proper for me to surprise her with my presence. Little did she know this was my very first prom, and here I was, wearing a tuxedo instead of a dress.

But fuck it, I look good.

When I finally got down the stairs, I saw my mom cover her mouth. Dad was besides her, holding my purse. He smiled at me, and handed me my purse. I stared at him, and he stared back.

"My daughter." He said, and I dropped my purse, hugging him tight.

He rubbed my back, and that's when a tear left my cheek. "I love you. So, so much."

"You're making me cry." I sniffled. "I tried putting on makeup today."

He let go, and wiped my tears away. "I don't care, you look beautiful today."

I smiled, and walked to the door. "I need to catch my girlfriend before she leaves me for prom."

After letting my parents say their goodbyes, I rushed over to her house. I knocked on the door, holding a white corsage. When the door opened, she was there, her mouth open.

She looked so stunning.

She had tied her hair into one long braid, and her red lipstick matched her fiery red dress. Her dress was puffy, and not that long, and her heels were also blood red. I looked her up and down before bowing.

"My little demon." I chuckled.

"Shut up, Jones." She laughed. "You look good. I wasn't expecting you to come."

"I had to, I mean, this is going to be our time." I shrugged. "The first ever appearance as a couple."

"We're already late." She pointed out, and I grinned at her.

"Fashionably late." I corrected her, putting the white corsage on her wrist. "Had I known you wanted to look like the devil's wife, I would've brought a red corsage."

"If I'm the devil's wife, does that mean you're lucifer?" She quipped, linking her arm with mine as she stepped out.

I kissed her cheek. "Of course, Lele."

"Let's go, dumbass."


As expected, we were fashionably late. There were different people there, and a couple of eyes darted our way. But this time, I didn't give two shits about that; tonight was all about me and Alexis.

We stood in the hallways, hesitant to go in. She looked at me for support, and I nodded, grabbing her hand gently, and giving it a squeeze. She visibly relaxed, and we walked in together, watching people move for us. Rose and Terry were together, slow dancing, and when they saw us, they passed us a grin.

'Moment 4 Life' by Nicki Minaj and Drake began to play, and Roseanne grabbed my hand, dancing with me. The rest of the girls around the area joined as we formed a circle, dancing to Nicki's verse. Roseanne and Chloe pushed me in the middle, and began clapping. Soon enough, the entire stream began clapping as the chorus began playing. When Drake's part came in, Michael, Darren, Daniel, Felix, and Terry joined me in the middle, laughing and dancing to the beat. Michael twirled me around, before the boys lifted me up as the chorus played again, with everyone singing along.

'This is my moment, I waited all my life I could tell it's time. Drifting away I'm, one with the sunset, I have become alive.'

It was at this moment I knew that I was finally accepted. Finally included, adored, and respected. Looking across the sea of people that were chanting the rest of the chorus, I spotted Rose's face. She gave me a small nod, and I smiled at her, winking.

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