21: Let's Wrap It Up

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The next day, Blake left before we even had breakfast. My parents asked me why, but I gave them the usual excuse; Blake is busy and she needs to get home as soon as possible. My dad bought it, but my mother looked skeptical about my reason. Instead of studying, I spent the rest of the day staring at the ceiling, eating junk food, and basically watching Netflix on my laptop to try and get my mind off things.

It's currently nighttime, and I'm in my bed once again, about to open a packet of chips. My door opens, and Alexis comes in with a bag and instantly drops it to the floor.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting your usually neat room to be covered in wrappers and juice bottles." She murmured. "I came to see you."

"Uninvited." I commented, opening the chips and sticking one in my mouth. "You came to see me uninvited."

She walked over to my bed and pushed the wrappers aside, sitting. "Okay, I'm ready, yell at me."

"For what?"

"For even giving you that idea." She said, reaching in her pocket and pulling out a $20 bill. "It was so stupid of me. I thought that..."

"It doesn't matter, it was bound to happen anyway, you just made it quicker." I took the money out of her hand. "It is what it is."

Alexis frowned. "You sure?"

"Positive." I shrugged, shutting the laptop. "But since you're here, I guess we could clean the room a bit."

"Maybe later, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." She quietly said. "I hope you don't think you're the only homosexual student at Plata."

"What? You're a lesbian or something?" I joked, then turned serious when I realized that she wasn't joking. "Alexis, are you a lesbian?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm bisexual."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" I asked, shocked at her sudden revelation.

"I did, when we first became friends, remember?" She asked. "You were too busy rambling to even notice this."

"Oh, makes sense. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before." I mutter, finding a chocolate bar and handing it over. "I figured I didn't give you anything to eat."

"Oh thanks, but I had some food already. You know, food that won't turn me into a fat ass like you." She smiled and I chuckled. "I'm glad I could make you smile."

"I'm not sad, Alexis, trust me." I sighed. "I'm okay."

"Right, because you eating chocolates and chips and a full tub of ice cream is okay." She sarcastically said. "You're totally right."

"I was just hungry."

"For all this?" She gestured to the empty wrappers and packets. "If you wanted some food then you could've asked your mom to make you some."

"Not after she thought that I chased Blake away early." I explained. "She thinks I legit told Blake to get the fuck out of the house because she left early."

"Did she eat breakfast at least?" I shook my head. "Then that's probably why."

"Life sucks." I said out of nowhere, and watched Alexis take out her phone. "What are you doing?"

"Texting Blake." She replied smugly. "Telling her she's a fucking douchebag for even rejecting you in the slightest."

I froze briefly, watching her type away. I then tried taking her phone but she moved her hand, and I tried it again until we began fighting for the phone together. She rolled on top of me when I got the phone in my grasp, and it was the first time I took a good look at her face; the small scar on her left cheek, the hazel eyes, and her small lips. We were still fighting for the phone, but I stopped, and eyed her for a bit. She did the same, and it seemed as if she was thinking of something, but she quickly disposed of the thought and got off of me with her phone because of my grip loosening.

"I won't send the message." She put the phone down. "So, what are we going to do about the mysterious notes? Take them to the principal?"

Glad of the change in subject, I replied. "And do what? You know they won't do shit unless we have a suspect or unless we have the actual culprit, Alexis."

"Then let's find them, right?" She suggested. "We can look at the handwriting, or maybe even-"

"Roseanne told me she had a lead though." I interrupted her, pulling out my phone. "Let's call her and see what she has to say." I began to dial, and put the phone on speaker once the other line started ringing.

"Cameron." She greeted. "What's up?"

"You told me you had a lead, so like can you tell me or...?"

A brief pause. "Can we do it in person? I don't think you'll be able to handle what evidence I have for you."

"Is it incriminating?" Alexis suddenly asked as I face palmed myself.

Roseanne paused again, and laughed. "Ah, Cam, you have your girlfriend over tonight?"

I sighed. "She isn't my girlfriend, Roseanne. You know this."

"Do I?" She laughed again. "Just kidding. We'll talk about the lead when we get back to school next week, okay Cameron?"

"Cool, later Rosy." I smirked and heard her huff before she ended the call. "I guess we're going to have to figure this out on our own."

"I think... I think this might be someone whose close to you are who was close to you." She said. "Because look at this Cameron: who in the world knows your locker password?"

"I'm a simple human, anyone can break into my locker at this point." I shrugged. "No one else knows it but Terry, Blake, Mike, and Roseanne. Those are the only ones that know it."

"But why would you tell Mike, Cameron?"

"He was my friend, Alexis, he was someone I trusted." I murmured. "That's why I went to him first when it got vandalized."

"Maybe it's Roseanne? I don't know."

"Roseanne didn't want shit to do with me when I came out of the closet. She literally acted like I didn't exist since last year." I rub her out immediately. "Plus, if you check my locker, I think it was broken into. Because there was a dent in the other side."

"They could've put it there, and for the record, change your damn password." She shook her head. "And stop letting them know."

"But your suspects have one flaw in them." I commented. "If this person was close to me and presumably opened my locker with the code, then how did they break into your locker and Rose's? Make it make sense, Alexis." I shrugged. "So back to the drawing board?"

She frowned. "I guess we're back to the drawing board."

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