42: You aren't alone

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Going to school the next week I felt sick to my stomach. Everytime I'd walk out of Alexis's home I'd see my dad walk out of his, not looking my way. Alexis was such a darling for letting me stay with her for the time being while her parents figure something out.

Today's a Wednesday, and I'm about to step foot into the club for the first time in 3 weeks. My hands are sweaty, and Alexis is holding me up as the fatigue and tiredness in my body made it so hard for me to even stand. She opened the door, and I gasped; there were more than the usual 10 members in the club. We now filled an entire class, and in the class consisted of Daniel, Michael and even Maya, one of Blake's closest friends.

Roseanne walked up to me, putting her hand on my shoulder as if to steady me, "We heard about what happened."

"Oh." I mumbled, "I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." Roseanne attempted to smile, "Just know that everyone in this room are here for you, and you're never gonna be alone in this fight. Ever."

"Yeah, Cameron." Terrance stood besides Rose, "We got you. Every single person in this room has got your back."

"Why? I'm worthless." I sighed, "My own parents disowned me."

"They may not accept you the way you are." Maya suddenly spoke, "But we do. We all do."

The students began clapping, and Rose spoke to Terry. Terry then took Alexis into the classroom while Roseanne escorted me out.

"What are you do-"

"I'm making things right between us." She said, stringing me along.

When we finally reached the stairs, I collapsed on the top step, staring up at Roseanne. She smiled at me, and helped me up, walking into an empty classroom with my weight on her shoulders. She sat me down, and sat on the teacher's desk.

"Cameron, we need to talk." She began, "About everything."

"Where do we even begin?" I asked her, and she took out a lollipop from her pocket to give me, "Thanks."

"We can start from the very beginning." She nodded, looking down, "Alright, I guess I'll start."

"I'm listening."

"When you first came out, like everyone, I was shocked. Never had I thought my best friend would become lesbian. At first I didn't know what to do, whether to tell you to go and rethink your life, or to support you like a good friend. But I realized that you trusted me so much with this, and needed support. So I did support you for the time being." She stood up and walked closer to me, "And then when you came out to the entire school, that's when the rumors began."

"Of course it had to be the rumors that made you turn against me." I stood up, holding the desk in front of me to keep balance, "Roseanne, you know I'd never do that to you. You know I'd never have a crush on yo-"

"It's not the rumors alone that drove me away, Cameron." She blurted out, "It was how we both reacted to them."


"Cameron, you're known as someone who doesn't take no bullshit from no one. I'm known for that too, which was why we were friends. But the way you reacted to the allegations irked me. It made them seem as if they were right and you liked me." Rose explained, "Listen, I understand that we were young kids and didn't know how to respond to certain rumors, but you literally tried to kiss me to prove a point."

"You almost slapped me though."

"You tried kissing me." Rose sighed, "But I should've known Cameron would respond by ridiculing people with that rumor, you know, a literal satire of the situation."

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