23: Flowers Make Me Sick

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I invited the gang(well, I can't keep calling them club members forever) to the park to chill for the rest of the day. We worked really hard and I thought that we needed a break from the toxic environment that is school and focus on getting to know each others as individuals instead of members of the same club.

Luckily for us, Alexis had managed to bring a blanket with her, and we all sat down, basking in the sun with some fruits laying on the middle of the blanket. Chloe and Felix were keeping to themselves while Roseanne stared at the sky, playing with a flower. Darren and Terrance were talking quietly, while Emily stared at Alexis, who was listening to music.

"Ayo." I said, but no one seemed to hear me. So, I took Alexis's headphones off, and then yelled. "AYO!"

Everyone turned to face me, and I smiled. "Let's get to know each other."

"Boring." Roseanne drawled off. "That shit is boring."

"So you want us to know each other as club mates only?" I watched her mumble in response, and I took the flower out of her hand. "You don't even like flowers!"

"You're right, they make me sick."  Roseanne shrugged.

"But, aren't you like, named after a flow-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence Chloe." Roseanne threatened. "I dare you."

Chloe shut up immediately and we all sat in silence for a while. Alexis gave me a glance, as if asking for permission to do something, and I nodded. She then cleared her throat.

"We can go around in a circle and tell each other at least five things about ourselves. So, I'll go first." She smiled. "I'm Alexis, bit you can call me Lexi-"

"Or Alex." Rose commented.

"Maybe even Ally." Emily joined in.

"That's cringe, Emily." She bowed her head as Roseanne scoffed. "Weirdo."

"Rose." I said warningly.

"Whatever, continue, Alexis."

Alexis nodded. "I'm 18, turned in January. I like listening to music and being kind to less fortunate people. I'm also single, so if anyone wants to shoot their shot..."

"You're single, right?" Darren asked and she nodded. "So, do you like girls?"

"Of course you had to ask that, Darrell-"

"It's Darren, Cameron." He scorned.

"Oh believe me, I know honey." I blew him a kiss, and Rose chuckled.

"To answer your question, Darren, I'm actually bi." She said, and another silence followed. "That's not weird, right?"

"Not at all, we just thought that you and Cameron were a thing since you know...the picture." Felix said slowly, watching me carefully for a reaction.

"You people believe anything." I simply stated, then ended there as everyone stared at me.

"Are there things that you don't want us to believe about you?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe, even if I said yes, what are you going to do about it?" She remained silent as I continued, "If people say I'm a shitty person that likes every fucking human that has a pussy on this earth, then who am I to stop you from believing that? Your view of me is in your own hands, not mine, and not anyone else's."

Another silence followed, my words sinking into everyone's skulls. It was true; if someone tells them that I suck pussy, who the hell am I to try and convince them to not believe it? At the end of the day, it's up to them to decide what they think of me, and up to them to figure out that I simply don't give a fuck about their opinion. Because as long as I know who I am and I'm happy with it, everyone can go fuck off and suck a dick.

"You're not a bad person." Emily murmured. "We've known you, like gotten to really know you, for a couple of weeks. You aren't as bad as some people think."

"Yeah Cam, you're actually fun and such a game changer. You want what's best for the future generation and I admit it..." Darren added. "Even though you hate showing that sometimes, when you do like showing your fun and not sarcastic side, you actually look pretty hot."

"Darren." We all groaned.

"Right, sorry." He apologized. "But trust me, you don't suck, and neither do you, Roseanne."

"When did I get into this?!" She pouted.

He brushed her off. "I don't know, everyone sees you as the bad girl of the school, the one that fights the social system, literally. You tried fighting Blake one time, I won't forget."

"Blake is such a fake blonde bitch." Rose commented and that offended me. "Listen Cameron, I know you dick ride for her but she's a real asshole."

"I don't dick ride." I shot back. "She's my friend."

"If that's what you call friendship, then leave me the fuck out of it." Roseanne chuckled. "That's not friendship."

"And what would you know about friendship? It's not like you've ever been a good friend to me anyways." I snapped, watching her frown.

"Oh boy." I heard Terry mutter. "Here we go."

"Oh so I was never a good friend to you? Fine, Cameron, since you have the best friend in Blake, let me remind you that if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be where you are today."

"Oh, you mean a social fucking outcast because you disowned me because of a stupid rumor?" The anger began to rise within me. "Right, thank you so much, Rose, you're the best."

"I never believed that rumor fully." She countered. "I never wanted to believe it."

"And yet you did, Rose." I stood up, taking the flower with me and waving it. "You weren't there when I needed you the most and you left, you just left me all alone to fend off the douchebag team of Mike and his homies. You watched me walk through the school halls everyday feeling like death and said nothing. So if you want to talk shit about Blake, who was actually there for me when I needed her, you're a bitch. A self-centered bitch."

She stood up as well. "You know Cameron, I'm sick of you comparing me to plastic. But if that's what you want to do, then do it, we'll see whose there for you in the end when shit comes to a halt."

"It's obviously not you, because when shit gets hard, you leave. That's what you did, right?" I watched her look away. "You left me, you left me and you acted like it never happened. I said nothing at the time but now I'm going to say it; fuck you Roseanne. Fuck you." I threw the flower at her, picking up my bag. "Flowers make me sick too, now it makes sense as to why you were named after one." I pushed her out of the way and stormed off, ignoring the continuous cries of my club members.

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