50: My Chance at An Okay Ending

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I guess being a human is better than being a chicken sometimes.

Hear me out before you begin rioting; you get to experience so many things such as love, family, anger, pain, and happiness. You can have the best time with the people you love, and either have the best time with your parents. You might shed more than a thousand tears in your lifetime, but it's going to be worth it in the end. Why, you may ask?

Because at the end of every dark tunnel, there's light.

I sound so inspirational and shit, I might be a Public speaker after all. Just kidding. Maybe.

The hardships we may go through are going to be tough. They're going to test your character, build your strength, and work your resilience to dust. Some are going to be so challenging that you think you won't be able to get through them, while others are going to show you how far you've come, and where you're going.

It's all about the end goal after all, isn't it?

And as I sat there on my bed, holding the list of rules that I created in September of last year, I smiled. Smiled that I could find my happy ending, or if not the happy one, then probably an okay one.

From coming out to my peers and parents to being with the girl of my dreams, everything seemed so perfect. And I don't give a shit about what the future is going to through my way, as long as I know where I started and how far I've come, I'll be fine.

My phone rang, and I picked it up. "Babe." I grinned, laying back on the bed. "Pleasant surprise."

"I got accepted into Juventus University." She screeched, and I chuckled. "I'm excited, Cameron."

"I'm sure you are." I sat up, my mind suddenly made up. "Babe, go to the window, now."

"Why? You bought fireworks for me or something?" She joked, and when I didn't answer, she spoke again. "Alright, then." She hung up.

I picked up the art book I had, and took my marker. Walking over to my window, I opened it and looked at Alexis, who shook her head once she saw the art book.

I began to write and when I was done, I showed her.

I got accepted into Kingston College.

She clapped for me, and began to jot something down. While she did, I reflected on everything that has occurred; the first time we ever met, the feelings growing over time, and her manhandling me like a baby when we first made love(I would love to forget that because that just wasn't fair) up until now.

I am really happy for you, Cameron.

I tore off the other paper, and wrote down my true feelings. I was waiting for the right time, and now I think it's best.

When I was done, I mouthed the words, "Hey Alexis?"

She nodded, and I flipped the pad over.

I love you, like so freaking much.

And it was true.

I had been searching for love, for acceptance, for a place I could call home. And Alexis, she's all that. My home, my love, and my future. I know this is true, I can feel it in my bones. I'll fight for this love as much as I fucking can. Because as we've seen with my previous actions, I don't give up.

I'm Cameron Joanne Jones, giving up isn't in my vocabulary.

She flipped over her pad.

I love you too.

I grinned at her, before she turned the page again.

Guess this is our chance at a happy ending?

I chuckled, writing my answer. When I was done, I turned the pad.

Happy? That's gonna give the devil something to ruin. Let's call it...an okay ending. Because I think I'm okay with this ending.

She smiled, and closed the window. I looked confused, until my phone rang. I picked it up quickly, hearing her sweet voice once again.

"You seriously couldn't say that through a call?" She teased me.

"I wanted to make it special, you know." I argued. "Since this is how I even got your number."

"Memories." She chuckled.

"Memories." I repeated. "So...I guess this is how it all ends?"

"Temporarily, baby. We still got a long way to go." She explained. "I still can't believe it."

"Believe what?"

"That we connected over a list." She quipped. "Didn't think a piece of paper would bring us together in so many ways."

"Me either." I grinned. "I'll call you tomorrow morning?"


"I love you, Alexis." The words flowed freely out my lips.

"I love you too, Cameron. So much." She hung up, and I put the phone down.

She was right, it's crazy how what once started as a stupid list became the catalyst to so many things. It helped me realize my true friends, fix everything between me and my parents, and even landed me a partner. Someone I fucking love for that matter.

I took the list, and hung it on my door this time.

"These," I said to practically no one. "These are the official rules on How To NOT Be Straight."

I smoothed it over the door, and kissed it.

"And I wouldn't change them for the world."


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