37: Fuck you and your cruelty

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"Cameron, would you like to tell us what happened from your point of view?" Principal Smith asked, and I turned to my parents, who were equally concerned for me.

My parents, Blake,Blake's parents and I were in Principal Smith's large office. The atmosphere was so tense you could cut through it with a knife. Everyone, including Blake, was silent, waiting for me to speak. Alexis was right, I was going to be in charge of Blake's fate. Anything I said would either convict her or set her free. Jesus, I sound like I'm at court.

"Why can't the white chick speak instead?" I rolled my eyes.

"That's racist! Is she even allowed to say something like that?!" She whined and I scoffed.

"You're one to talk. You literally took time out of your day to come stuff some racist slurs in my fucking locker." I yelled, "It's the obsession for me."

"I'm not obssessed with you, Cameron." She shot back, "If I was obsessed then I'd stalk you-"

"Right cause creating a fake page and trying to fucking make me commit suicide does not scream obsessed and weird." I said, waving her off, "You dumbass-"

"Cameron, stop cursing." My mom urged.

I ignored her and stood up, starting to approach her with my finger pointing at her, "Do you know how many fucking times I tried to be a good friend, accepting you, and then you go and start doing all this shit. Do you not care about how I fucking feel? Huh?" Blake stood as well but I pushed her back down, "You should sit your fucking ass down as I tell you what I wanted to say ever since I found out it was you."


"No because they're going to let you go scot free because you're white!" I screamed, "If the roles were reversed, I'd probably be expelled. But at this point I don't give 2 shits because I've just about had it with you."


"Mom let me speak!" I snapped at her, then faced Blake again, who had a smug look on her face, "Better remove that look before I smack it off of you, you knock off version of Sharpay Evans."

"Go on, Cameron, continue throwing insults at me." She laughed, "I'm not listening."

"Oh? You're not listening? Even better, these words might hurt you." I laughed with her then stopped, "If you thought you were going to make me kill myself, if I was going to fucking transfer or even leave the city because of your words, you're wrong. Everyone was right about you, you're a snake, a fake, and a little cheapskate."

"Ha! I'm fake?"

"Yeah, you are." I got so close to smacking the shit out of her, "You can't see that everyone here was acting like you're the good guy, while behind your back they talked shit. But me? I believed you, I loved you-"

"Yeah you definitely loved me-"

"Will you shut your hairline ridden ass for a fucking moment!" I screamed, "You were a sister to me! A goddamn sister-"

"And you?" She stood up again, and I didn't stop her this time, "You were nothing to me. You were just a fucking extra leg to me, and you finally served your purpose. And all those little slurs I wrote on the papers? They were true. All of it." She smiled sweetly, "If you ever thought that I gave a shit about a burnt piece of trash like you, then you're fucking delusional. Because I never-"

I screamed in rage and punched her in the nose, while she fell back. I then reached over and grabbed her by her pink hair, pulling her to the ground as I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. My grip didn't loosen as I dragged Blake's hair with me.

By all means I will beat this bitch's ass.

My dad kept on trying to pry my hands off but I kicked Blake in the gut, loosening her grip on my hands. When I finally got torn away from Blake, I held one of her extensions in my hand, waving it around like a flag. She looked terribly, and for once, I was actually happy she was bleeding.

"See? Even your fucking hair is fake!" I threw the piece at her, "Your dead hairline survived this one."

"You're a psychopath!" Blake cried, holding her nose as her mother passed her some tissues, "I knew there would be a day where these black negros would turn ape shit."

"Alright, I'm about to beat your ass again!" I was pulled away by my dad, who took me to the side of the room to sit down.

He held me on his lap, and Blake returned to her seat, tending to her bloody nose. She looked at me like I murdered her mother, and I just stuck my tongue out.

"Cameron, you're not allowed to touch someone's child-"

"Watch them use white privilege again." I flipped Blake off.

"But she provoked you, so I cannot defend Blake at this point." Principal Smith said, and I grinned while she looked away from me, "What you did, Miss Vanderhal, was unacceptable. I did not expect this from you. Miss Jones, I did not expect this from you either."

"What did I do?"

"You attacked me!" Blake yelled.

"And I will gladly do it again you slut!" I cussed out, flipping her off again.

"Cameron, Blake, language." We kept silent as Principal Smith laid out his papers, "Cameron, I can tell you're furious."

"I am beyond angry."

"And I know you can't write a personal statement right now." He continued, "We have an anonymous source who detailed events of what happened from receiving the letters up until Wednesday. This, Miss Jones and Miss Vanderhal, is a violation of our rules. I suppose you know what that rule is?"

"Any threatening of any kind due to race, sexuality, or any other reasons is an expellable offense." I recited, my eyes trained on Blake, "Plata is a safe space for everyone, and any type of terrorism or bullying is not tolerated."

"So what? You're going to expel  me?"

"Cameron? Should we?"

I stared daggers into her, watching her once full of happiness eyes become voids of themselves. I didn't feel remorse, pain, or suffering, just regret. Piles of regret.

And with this decision in my hands, I can do whatever the fuck I want.

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