25: Bullying Awareness Campaign

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"Cameron? I haven't seen you in a few days, okay, I'm not going to lie, I have. But we haven't talked since...you know, the thing, but, is everything okay?" There was a pause in between. "I know we aren't on the best terms as of now lately, but can I just see you? Please? Call me back when you're ready to talk to me, okay?" The voicemail ended, and I got up, readying myself for the big event.

Today was the day I was presenting in front of the entire school in the afternoon. I was beyond terrified, and the worst part was I didn't know what to fucking wear.

Yes, I'm complaining about my outfit, that's how scared I am.

After picking out a blue jumpsuit, I get my bag and head down the stairs, ready to meet my mom. She already said she was going to drop the cupcakes just about now while I ride with Alexis in her car.

After grabbing 4 pancakes on a paper plate and taking my bottle, I head out and meet with Alexis in her car. When I got in, I began to eat a pancake slowly while she stared at me flabbergasted.

"I was in a hurry, okay?" I said, mouth full of pancake. "Just focus on the road."

"Alright then, CJ." She muttered.


"Fuck, the sale was such a success Cameron! How did you do it?" Gabriella, another senior, asked while eating her cupcake.

"Well, it wasn't that hard." I laughed. "The cupcakes were the easiest to make."

That was a lie. My mother and I made the whole batch on our own; we stayed up till 3AM today to just ice them and put them on trays. So that was basically a whole night of yelling at each other, getting frustrated, getting yelled at by father because we were disturbing, and going on a sugar high from all the pastries available.

Gabriella nodded. "You're awesome! I'm going to join the club."

I thanked her and watched her leave, and saw Blake coming in the distance. Before she reached me, Alexis came in front of me, and pulled me away. I watched Blake frown, and it made me sad and happy at the same time.

Alexis pulled me to the gymnasium, where a stage had been set for us. She then pulled me aside and wiped the cupcake crumbs off my face.

"Cameron, the presentation starts in a couple of minutes!" She whispered, and a few students came in to sit on the chairs. "Get ready!"

"Alexis, I'm scared." I vacillated. "This is going to be the worst."

More students came piling in, so Alexis and I went to the far end to continue talking. She pat down my braids a bit, and gave me her lipgloss. I put it on while she watched me, and when I was done, she placed her hands on my waist, then up to my shoulders, much to my surprise.

"Alright listen Cameron, you got this. If you need someone to go with, you got me. I'm here." She encouraged. "I'll be here, if you need me as a demonstration, I'll also be here. And if you need someone to look at for motivation, just look at me, CJ. I got you."

I watched her as she gave me a hopeful smile. This eased my nerves a bit, and I hadn't noticed she was still touching me until the principal told us to go sit in the front.

After a long boring speech about the day and about all the money we made to donate to charity(we rose $1,004 off of cupcakes and a few more items alone), he called me on stage. I was partly ready to present, and my fears dissipated when Alexis's words kept on replaying themselves in my head.

I got you.

I stared at the students, and then my eyes landed on Blake for some reason. She didn't look too happy, and it was probably because I didn't talk to her like she wanted me to. My eyes then landed on Roseanne, who was surprisingly staring directly at me. Lastly, my eyes landed on Alexis, who looked hopeful, and gave me a slight thumbs up.

"Firstly, I'd like to say thank you to everyone that participated in the one love week campaign, I appreciate it so much." I began, fiddling my hands a bit. "I'd like to share a little bit of my own experience."

The crowd remained silent while my eyes landed on Alexis who gave me a small nod, her upper lip twitching, giving me a boost in confidence.

"I was bullied severely last year, and I don't want anyone to go through any of that. Whether it's physical or verbal, bullying really messes up your mind. It makes you feel like dying in some cases, and makes you feel so worthless. You feel like killing yourself to end the pain, and you feel like letting your abusers know that they are destroying you."

"I won't say much about my experience because it's personal, but nobody deserves the pain. No one. We're all here on this earth for a little while, so why not make the best out of it? Make each other happy? Spread love?" I continued, watching a few students nod their heads. "A couple of weeks ago I started the club, because I wanted everyone to get the chance to have a say in issues that plague our school, or more importantly, the world. Bullying is one of them."

I walked across the stage, every bit of fear disappearing from my body. "The whole point of this week was to make everyone feel safe, to spread awareness, and to encourage unity amongst us. It may have not worked to the fullest, but at least it did something. Please, the kindness doesn't stop here, it should continue. There are so many people out there that need us to help them, and a little kindness can go a long way. Thank you."

I began walking down the stairs as the thunderous applauding overwhelmed me. Alexis and Terry stood from their seats to come and hug me, and I called the entire club towards us. They walked towards us, and one by one, we walked onto the stage, held hands, and lifted them up. Roseanne looked over at me, and gave me a small nod.

"If you want a change, then be the change!" We chanted, coercing the school to join us.

The entire school did join us, linking arms. Blake stormed out of the gym, but I didn't care too much, because this is what I wanted.

To start a movement.

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