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Anirudh returned from london two years ago and proposed saudamini in a great manner. Both the family agreed to get them engaged two days before Durga Navratri.

Saudamini never loved anirudh. She was greedy and wanted anirudh for his property and royal lifestyle in London.

But anirudh decision regarding staying in India and changing people mentality shocked her. Her dream of living an royal life shattered and she decided to plot anirudh and destroy his fittor.

A day before engagement she was discussing the plan with one of her fellow friend and was evedropped by anirudh making him understand her true colour and breaking his trust over her.

He called of engagement and decided to forget her and is successful.

Saudamini left tulsipur with her family and challenged anirudh that he will never will able to bring the change and will regret his decision of not marrying her.

Present day:

Anirudh was sitting in study wotking over his new case. He was so endorsed in files that he didn't notice somnath standing on door.

"Dada can i come in" asked som in tensed voice

"What happened som why are so tensed"

"Dada you know na my finals are near can you please help me"

"Som if it was regarding a murder i would definitely help you but its science and i am am a history lover"

"Means you cant do anything"

"Be self depence som"

'Fine dada i will learn it by myself'

'Can i come in anirudh babu' said saurabh

'Oh saurabh come in'

'Anirudh babu here the file you asked for'

'Thank you saurabh'

'Anirudh babu can i take two days leave '

'Ya sure . anything special 'in a teasing tone

'No anirudh babu' saurabh said

'Oh i see want to spend some time with sampoorna hmmm good good' anirudh Teased him

Saurabh blushed

Both som and saurabh left study and went for their respective works

He again got endorsed in file until kaka and binoy entered.

'Anirudh we want to talk to you' said trilochan

'Yes kaka'

'Actually we want you to get married' said kaka

'But i dont want to' anirudh still looking at files

'How long will you be single beta 'said binoy

'Until i find a right partner '

'And which type of partner are you.looking for ? 'Asked kaka

"A partner who will not just be my wife but also stand for family. Who love everyone equally. Will spport in my mission of changing people mentality." Said anirudh with a pride in his eyes

"But for you have to meet girls for marriage na said "binoy smiling slightly


"So coming to the point we were here to inform you that we have decided that we will be going to meet a girl tomorrow for your marriage.

And remember we will not force you.but atleast meet her and have some conversation. If you felt like she can your wife we will gat you married." Said trilochan

'Ok ok i will meet her but can i now know her name pls' said anirudh

"Her name is bondita.. bondita chatterjee. "Binoy

"Bondita" anirudh with a slight smile

Hey lovelies so this is my first part. Hope you all like it .more interesting parts are coming . 

Till then bbbyyyyeee.,❤️❤️❤️

Anidita - Love Is Everything❣️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant