Chapter Sixteen- Miracle Memory's

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"Tomorrow 's your birthday." Jason said with glowing eyes.

"Oh." I backed up slightly and turned around. 

Why did such a great moment have to end so soon. I put my hands on my shoulders covering myself as I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in one of the towels.

"Where are you going?" Jason said sounding disappointed.

I felt bad for leaving Jason like that alone in the shower, but it also put a smile on my face knowing he wants me to stay.

He's not pushing me away like he usually does. He want's me the same way I want him.

"I'm just gonna go downstairs." I said without looking back. I stepped out of the bathroom and into the closet to get some fresh clothes. I picked out a pair of leggings and a simple t-shirt and headed downstairs.

While I waited for Jason I sorted through my thoughts about my birthday being tomorrow. This was the first time I wasn't looking forward to my birthday. 

Every year my mom takes my birthday week off so we can spend time together. 

This year was going to be a little different since she accepted a longer flight contract so, instead when she came back we were going to go on a vacation.

Makes me wonder what she's doing right now. If she even knows I'm gone.

I never expected big parties for my birthday. I never really had enough friends to throw a party so it was always me and mom. 

Lord knows what Jason could have planned. I don't know if I should be looking forward to a party or if I should be scared of what he'll try to do.

If Jason still plans on taking my virginity tomorrow he'll probably end up having his way with me and I'll have no say, as per usual. 

Whether I want to fuck him or not, these aren't the best circumstances and I'd rather not lose it this way. 

Maybe if we met like regular people, and I wasn't taken away, maybe we would have a chance at a normal relationship. 

A relationship with regular conversations, normal sex, petty disagreements and everything typical. None of this secretive shit and fear.

I started making myself a bowl of cereal when I see Jason coming down the steps. I looked up for a split second then quickly looked back down so he wouldn't notice that I was staring.  

He came into the kitchen and walked right past me not saying a word. He went into the pantry grabbing a different box of cereal, standing next to me making himself a bowl.

I turned to get the milk out of the fridge and right as I closed the door Jason grabbed the carton out of my hand and started to pour milk on top of his cereal. 

"Excuse you. Was that really necessary?" I asked grabbing it back from him. 

"Yup." He said taking my spoon and digging into his breakfast leaning against the counter.

I shook my head and got a new spoon and started eating. Jason and I would share a few glares back and forth but no words were exchanged. 

"Did you have fun last night?" He mumble out. Except he was genuinely asking.

"I can barley remember last night. Last thing I remember was talking to Julie at the bar and that's it. Mind filling me in on what I missed?" I asked spooning another bite of fruity pebbles into my mouth. 

Jason finished swallowing and answered.

"Well, you fucked Julie." 

I choked on my spoon and put the bowl on the table as I tried calming down my coughing fit Jason started giggling then continued. 

I'm All Yours | J.MTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon