Chapter Eight- First Day

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The next morning I woke up feeling the comfy pillows under my head and Jason's arms wrapped around me, holding me close.

Memories from last night flashed through my head.
I decided it was best to push those thoughts aside and start my day.

I removed Jason's arms from my body and got up from the bed. I walked into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Alice start breakfast.

"Good morning Alice, I think I'll cook breakfast for me and Jason this morning if that's ok with you?" I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning.
I felt like being productive today and not waste the day away.

"Yes of course! I'll start my cleaning for the day." Alice replied walking into one of the extra guest bathrooms.

I got out bread, eggs, milk and cinnamon to make French toast.

While I got my ingredients together I saw Jason had an Alexa, so I decide to put some music on and continue with breakfast.

About half an hour went by and Jason was still asleep and I just finished cooking. As I was taking the toast off the pan I heard Jason frantically screaming my name.

"ALAINE! ALAINE!" Jason came running down the stairs, his face all red and his veins popping through his skin.

I turned the stove off and put the pan down and strolled over to the staircase where Jason was running down.

"I'm right here Jason what's going on?" The minute Jason saw me walk out of the kitchen he instantly grabbed my shoulders.

"Where the hell did you go? Did you really try leaving again?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Jason, I didn't leave the house I've been in the kitchen this whole morning making you breakfast! Now can you please let go of me, your hurting me." I stated grabbingJason's hand trying to pry him off.

His facial expressions dropped and I could see him relax. He slowly released his grip from my shoulders.

I turned around and walked back over to the stove grabbing the plate filled with French toast. I brought it to the dinner table placing it down.

"I made French toast." I said breaking the bitter silence looking towards Jason.

"Thanks." He said sitting down, looking at his phone and started eating.

I stood there awkwardly not sure what to do so I just walked back into the kitchen and started cleaning.

"Sit down and eat. We have a maid that does that. I don't pay her for nothing." Jason said not looking up from his phone.

I stopped what I was doing in the sink and dried off my hands and made my way back to my seat and started eating.

Jason spoke up again.
"I have a few people coming over later tonight so you need to make yourself look presentable." He said looking at me for the first time since he sat down.

"Okay, why are they coming?" I asked.

"We have to discuss some business." He said finishing his plate and bringing it to the kitchen.

"They will be here at 7pm so make sure your ready. I'll be in my office if you need anything" He said walking to me and bending down to my level, supporting himself with one arm on the table.

"If you do decide to pay me a visit make sure you knock first. Clothing optional." He came closer to my ear.

"And then maybe we can finish what we started." He kissing the skin behind my ear, standing straight again giving me a sly look.

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