Chapter Thirteen- It's Complicated

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After I left Jason's office I went back to his bedroom and went straight to the bathroom to look at my violated neck.

As I starred into the mirror I let my eyes travel over every love mark Jason left behind, starting at my jaw line and ending at my shoulder.

Looking at all the purple and pink bruises he left made butterfly's float in my stomach.
What kind of sick human being am I to be falling in love with a guy as vile and horrid as him.

I let my fingers glide over the sensitive skin remembering the feeling of Jason's lips and teeth grabbing at my skin so desperately.
I can't let Jason know I like him. I don't want him to know.

Hell, I think I'm falling in love with this man and I've only been here for two and a half weeks. One of those weeks spent locked in a fucking dungeon.

Why am I letting myself feel like this.
I want to make it stop but I can't.
It's to the point it's bringing tears to my eyes from how frustrated I am by all of this.

I walked out of the bathroom and put on a loose fitting shirt with leggings and grabbed a book from the library.

I sat peacefully in Jason's room and started reading. I wasn't doing much reading, I was too busy imagining a world where me and Jason were together and what life could be like.

The silence was rudely interrupted by an angry Jason stomping in.
It's like I can never catch a break from this.
"What's wrong?" I looked up at him thinking it had something to do with work.

"Stand up." He ordered, wiping the sweat that was dripping off his forehead.

"What?" What's his problem with me now? Other then our little yelling match earlier today I didn't do anything to him to make him angry.

"Don't ask questions and just do as you're told, stand the fuck up." I stood up not wanting to encourage him any further.
Jason took my place on the sofa and pulled me over his knee.

"Hey, stop what did I do wrong!" I asked Jason as he began to pull down my leggings. I tried pushing off of his lap until he gave me an explanation but it was no use.

"Cussing,  lying, and acting like a fucking brat. Do I have to go on?" He listed following with a loud hard slap on my ass.

"Is this from how I acted earlier? If it is then I'm sorry I was out of line." I tried begging. I did not want to have to go through this right now.

Especially after imagining a perfect fantasy utopia where Jason was a good person and had a normal job and didn't beat me.

"Look at you using your problem solving skills." Jason said taunting me as he continued to spank me harder.

"I'm sorry!"

"I know babygirl, but brats still need to learn discipline. No matter how sorry they are." He said trying to sound caring and like he's doing it for my well being.

It was getting to the point where the pain was almost unbearable and tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"Please Jason, will you stop if I tell you the truth? Please." I begged.
I was so desperate to relieve the pain. I would tell him anything

Everything went quiet. I slowly got up and sat on my knees looking up at Jason with hope in my eyes.
His face was red and his eyebrows furrowed together.

"You better talk fast before I pull you over my knee again." He said taking a breath relieving all the tension in his face.

"I-I like you Jason. And not as a friend but as someone I think I want in my life for a really long time. I didn't wanna come to the truth of it all but it's true whether I like it or not. I like being around you and I like when you call me little pet names and I really like the way you kiss me."

The words just spilled out of mouth one after another and I didn't realize what I said, but I know some things I wasn't ready to admit.

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