Chapter Fifteen- Morning After

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Jason's POV:

Looking at myself in this mirror and I'm looking at a man who nearly killed his best friend, his partner, his brother.
The only person I could trust with my whole heart. 

Barney is someone I've grown up with. Since day one he's been at my side, and I never doubted him.
Now with the way he just outed our mission makes me question his loyalty to me. 

Yes, it could have been the alcohol, but even shit face wasted he knows better than to talk about my business.

I washed all the blood off my hands looking over the few cuts and gashes on my knuckles, re-adjusted my rings and fixed my hair before walking out of the bathroom. 

I was met with Eddie holding up our very intoxicated girlfriends.

Alaine's worry and concern for me vanished after 0.5 seconds once Julie had caught up to her, and she returned to her current drunk self. 

I took her off Eddie's arm and began to walk her back to our car. As we walked out of the club, I couldn't help but notice Alaine tripping over her own two feet and falling from her heels.

The last thing I need right now is for her to break an ankle, so before anything bad could happen I bent down swooping my arm under her legs carrying her bridal style the rest of the way. 

She nuzzled her head into my neck, holding me close and closing her eyes. I look down at her face and just admire her beauty. 

Her flushed cheeks, her flinching eyelids and her twitching lips made me truly appreciate how stunning she actually was. I've always known she was beautiful, but this was different.

This felt so real, I could feel her slowly start to trust me the longer she was in my arms. Just the way I like it. The longer I stared at her the more beautiful she got and that's something I never thought was possible. 

When we got to the car I reclined the passenger seat and laid her down in it buckling the seat belt over her. I finished by closing the door and running over to the other side and hopping in.

After a silent car ride home, I carried Alaine to the bedroom and laid her down, taking her shoes and jewelry off putting them to the side. 

I left her on the bed and walked into the closet and started to undress, taking off my jewelry and throwing on a t-shirt and shorts.

I  started walking out of the bedroom but stopped and looked behind me, and there she laid in peace. Her chest lightly rising and falling, the sound of each breath she took and her little sudden movements to adjust her position. 

It was a beautiful sight to see.
I snapped out of my thoughts and closed the door behind me and made my way to my office.

The house was quiet, so quiet that all that could be heard were the echos of my foot steps and the opening and closing of doors. When I stepped into my office I left the door open incase Alaine was looking for me.
I opened my laptop and started looking over reports and paperwork for the gang.

After a while of staring at my laptop screen I lean back in my seat resting my head on the head rest. I was interrupted from my rest by a buzz coming from my phone.

I grab my phone from my desk and tilt the screen up seeing a message from Eddie.

Eddie: The doctor came and stitched Barney up. He has a minor concussion and his face is bruised pretty badly but he'll be fine.

I rubbed my temples and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding onto. I might have almost killed him tonight, but I still care about that kid like he's my brother. He's pretty much the only family I have left. 

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