Chapter Seven- Lonely Nights

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Jason dragged me in the house by my hair slamming the door behind us.

"You ungrateful piece of shit." Jason said throwing me down to the ground.
I landed hard on my side on the marble ground. 

"Your lucky I didn't kill you when I had the chance." Jason yelled kicking me in my stomach. 

Okay now he's just taking it too far. 

I could deal with a little slapping around here and there when I deserved it but this, this really isn't ok. 

Jason picked me up from the ground by my arms, standing me up. I was hobbled over, holding my stomach trying to release the pain while I tried gaining my breath back.

 Watching me in pain wasn't an excuse for Jason to stop so he continued to rip my clothes off. 

I tried getting away and stopping him but he was too strong. 

I was brought back to the ground with Jason on top of me still taking my clothes off until I was left in only my bra and underwear. 

He yanked me back up and pulled me every which way around the house.

He took a turn down one of the hallways and opened one of the doors with stairs leading down. 

Oh my god he's gonna kill me. 

He's actually gonna kill me.
What the fuck did I do to myself.

As he pulled me down the stairs and turned on the light, I was met with a chilly cold basement that held a human sized cage. 

I can't say it enough but what the fuck. 

He pushed me into the cage closing and locking the gate between us.

"Your gonna stay here till you learn your lesson." Jason said sternly.

"Your leaving me in here!?" There's no way he's gonna leave me here, he can't. 

"Listen, you're lucky I'm not hanging you upside down from the balcony. So be thankful you're in here." He turned around and started walking away. 

"No please you can't leave me down here! I'm sorry!" I yelled reaching out to him.

"Sorry can't help you now. You got yourself into this." 

He was cold, a cold mother fucker. And he wants me love him? He's crazy.
But we knew that already.

I looked around the cage I was locked in, there were no pillows or blankets or anything just a cold hard cement floor. 

I sat in the corner of the cage hugging my knees to my chest and I started crying. 

I guess I really can't get out of here after all.
At this point I might s well be good and listen to him to at least make my stay nicer rather then getting locked in here again. 

I wanted anything but this. I would  willingly sleep in the same bed as Jason just to get out of here. 

There were bugs and mice walking around the cage making shivers run down my spine. I rested my head on the bar behind me and cried myself to sleep.


I quickly lost track of the time I was stuck in here.
There were no windows so I couldn't tell what time of day it was. 

My days consisted of listening to Jason's pacing foot steps move around the house, learning the pattern of him coming and going to work.
When he would go up and down the stairs and when Alice would vacuum. 

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