Chapter Fourteen- Club Anarchy

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Once we walked into the club, Jason and I shoved our way between hot, sweaty bodies to get to     Barney and Eddie's table. 

Jason's arm never left my waist.
Eddie was also with a girl whom I assume was his girlfriend. 

They were standing around the high rise table, Barney already with a drink in his hand and Eddie with his arm wrapped noticeably tight around his girl, but not tight enough to be uncomfortable.

When we got to the table, Jason went straight to Barney and gave him a tough bro hug. Barney already had a shot waiting for Jason and handed him the glass, which Jason took acceptingly  shooting it down his throat. 

Seeing him so eager to drink reminds me of the other night and I don't like it. I can't really tell him what to do but as long as he doesn't get ballistically drunk I don't mind.

I'm just worried, for myself and for him.
I stood there waiting awkwardly for my presence to be noticed until Jason spoke up.

"Alaine, this is Juliet, Eddies girlfriend but we all call her Julie." Jason said introducing me to Julie. 

This girl is gorgeous.

 There's no way she's real, she looks like a Greek Goddess.
How the hell did she manage to get involved with these guys?

Besides her beauty, I'm getting the vibe that she's one of those preppy mean girls. The same kind of girls I never got along with in school.

"Hi, It's so nice to finally meet you! Jason has told us a lot about you." Julie said embracing me in a tight, warm hug.

My eyes nearly bulge out of my face when Julie pulls me into the hug. I was not expecting her to be this nice.

 I accepted her hug resting my head on her shoulder, taking in the floral fragrance that engulfed her presence.

After we broke from the hug Eddie nodded his head at me with a smile as a greeting and Barney just looked at me while taking another shot.

I feel like such an outcast. Like a little girl. 

What am I talking about, I am a little girl! I'm surrounded by hundreds of people that are way over 21 and I'm here at the ripe age of 17. 

And to top it off, Barney hates me and Jason isn't happy with me. I'm surrounded by all of this mature energy and I can't handle it anymore and I need to let loose.

"So what happened to the pussy, why didn't Sloan come?" Jason asked taking another shot in his grip.

"He's probably busy fucking Violet." Barney replied with his shitty attitude and his shitty accent. 

"Nah I doubt that, she's still bright and shiny new, there's no way he's broken into her yet."
Jason spoke again continuing this conversation.

Wow this is really getting uncomfortable. Hearing the way these men talk disgusts me.

I stood at the table next to Jason looking down at my hands until I was nudged. I looked up and see Julie. 

"Hey do you wanna get away from the boy's for a bit and get a drink?" She asked me. 

This girl was magical. Such a kind soul and she knew exactly what I needed.
But first I have to check with the boss before I do anything or go anywhere.

I looked up at Jason and tapped his arm and waited until he put his eyes on me. He bent down a little to get to my level and I brought my lips to his ear.

"Can I go to the bar with Julie?" I asked raising my voice a little to make sure he heard me.
He stood back up and looked at Julie then looked back at me.

"Fine but stay close, I wanna keep an eye on you." He said giving me a warning glare.

"Am I aloud to drink?" I asked again giving him puppy dog eyes. I have drank before, just never enough to actually get drunk.

"Yeah, just watch it." He said granting me permission, again.

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