Chapter Ten- Another Day In Paradise

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I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. A big, cozy, empty bed.

I was relieved that I wasn't still in bed with Jason, yet sadness washed over me since I was no longer in his presence. 

Why am I feeling this way? 

Jason still treats me like shit, so why am I missing him? 
He's the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
But his attention is mesmerizing. His touch, the sound of his voice, and the way his frame towers over me slightly is addicting.

I laid in bed thinking about all of the possible places Jason could be right now. 
When he should be here, with me.

I continued on the rest of the day waiting for Jason to come home. I watched some movies and read a book and wondered around the house.

If Jason is gonna make me sit at home all day he better start giving me a 'To Do' list so I won't got insane from boredom waiting for him. Or so I won't get caught being nosey.

While exploring around the house I found Alice and Ben's "head quarters" which is basically where they sleep whenever Jason needs them to stay the night.
It's pretty much like their own little house. 

I made my way up the stairs back into Jason's room and roamed around. I know I already snooped in here but I feel like there's more he's hiding. 

I looked through every drawer, shelf, cabinet everything, and I found nothing new. 

I gave up so I plopped myself on the floor next to the bed when I noticed a box under the bed. A few boxes actually. I pulled one of the boxes out and opened it.

When I opened the lid of the box I was surprised to find dildos, vibrators, and other sex toys that filled the box. I quickly closed it and shoved it back under the bed. 

He's a fucking weirdo, what the hell is he using that shit for. I carefully pulled out another box and this time opening it slowly so I don't get anymore surprises.

Inside, there were a few small photo albums and loose pictures laying around the inside of the box. 

I picked up one of the photo albums and started flipping through the aged pages.
All the pictures were of a baby who I assume was Jason and a girl who looked to be a young teen. 

As I flipped through the pages and watched as Jason grew up before my eyes, I could feel a smile grow on my face. 

I won't lie, he was a cute baby that's for sure. And it was nice to see all the pictures of him going through different stages of being a kid.
Like crawling, taking his first steps, and ridding a bike for the first time.
You know all the cute stuff.

I noticed the girl in all the photos aging with Jason, but I couldn't put my finger on who she was. Does Jason have an older sister I don't now about?
He couldn't.
Alice never mentioned a sister.

After looking at a few more pictures I opened another one of the albums. This time Jason was a bit older. Maybe 10? 

These pictures were cute, but Jason looked different. He had lost the sparkle that was once in his eye. He was no longer laughing or smiling in these pictures. It looked like his innocence was taken from him.

I frowned and kept flipping through when I came across a picture of Jason in a funeral home standing with an older man, his hand rested on Jason's shoulder next to an open coffin.

Inside the coffin was the same young girl from all the other photos. I flipped the photo around and read the messy cursive writing on the back.

Jason and I at his mom's wake.
November 17th
The McCann men.

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