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We enter the hall to see a big fancy party. The mafia gala happens every year and all the mafias, even if they are rivals, have to act civil. Its a tradition that has been going on for generations. The host this year, is Sebastian Pérez. He's the Don of the Spanish Mafia, and he and zio are allies.

"Ah, Vincent, welcome, thankyou for coming, Donna, pleasure." he greets them as we stop after entering. Before he can get to me and Aless, he gets distracted which im thankful for.

After a while, everyone disperses and starts socializing, Aless leads me to the bar as we join the boys.

"Laylay, you want something?" Angelo asks me. I shake my head and smile at him. Im not exactly having fun. Its pretty boring. We stand there a while longer, talking, then the boys slowly disperse and me and Aless are left. I shift on my feet.

"its so boring and my feet hurt" i pout, complaining to him

"dont pout" he says. "you wanna go to mama, talk to women?" he asks me. I look at him to see him eyeing Nick talking to some guys. He probably wants to go to his friends.

"yeah, ill go to zia, you should go to your friends too." i tell him. He nods and leads me to zia, then leaves. Zia Shaina introduces me to lots of women, and I get many compliments on how pretty i am, and so i stand there listening to them chat.

Its been atleast an hour. Im so bored I just wanna go home and rest my feet. I whisper to zia that ill be back and walk to find the restrooms. As Im walking, i bump hard into someone taller and muscular. I quickly back up and say sorry.

"это нормально, красиво" i hear a deep, scary voice say. Is that Russian? I dont know much about business but Italians and Russians dont get along. I look up to see a tall guy, probably around Aless's age smirking weirdly at me.
(its ok beautiful)

"Im sorry, i dont understand Russian" I say to him, apologetically.

"Its okay bella, whats your name" he asks me smirking. Creepy.

"Alaia" I tell him "Alaia Romano" I say again.

"Romano, Mr. Antonio Romano's daughter, sì?" he asks me in a thick Russian accent. He's making me feel weirdly creeped out.

"Y-yes" I say nervously, "Im sorry for bumping into you, see you around" I say to him and try to walk past him but gasp when he grips my wrist hard. "Hey, let me go" I say loudly trying to pry my wrist out of his hold. He isnt even affected by my struggles as he just stares at me. He's thinking. This is a more hidden area behind some curtains. What do I do?


Im talking to some friends with Nick. I usually enjoy these conversations about drugs and women, but right now all I can think about is my babygirl in her sexy red dress. She's so fucking hot. Ive been looking at her from afar.

As I turn to where mama is to sneak another glance at my baby, I dont see her next to mama, where she has been for the past hour. I look around quickly trying to find my beauty in red, but when i dont see her, I feel my jaw clench. Nick notices my change in mood and looks at me questioningly.

I walk towards mama to ask her where she is.

"dov'è Alaia?" I ask mama, and she turns looking confused.
(where is Alaia?)
"è andata in bagno circa 5 minuti fa, perché?"  She, looking worried at my furious expression. Something isnt right.
(she went to the restroom about 5 minutes ago, why?)

"lei non è nel corridoio"  I say as I walk towards the restrooms.
(She isnt in the hall)

As I walk I see the boys following me. Once we near the heavy curtains, I stop as I hear some sounds. It sounds like muffled whimpers.

"У меня есть итальянская девушка, подъезжаю к задней двери, давай, черт возьми, уничтожим эго огромной задницы Алессандро" I hear a disgusting Russian accent speak. Lets see who destroys what you bitch.
(I have the italian girl, get a car to the back door, lets fucking destroy Alessandro's huge ass ego).

I walk straight out the curtains and the sight makes my blood fucking boil. Ivan Petrov has his disgusting hand over my baby's mouth as she struggles against him, tears running down her beautiful face.

Nick tackles the scum so he looses his grip on her, and I quickly grab my baby and she sobs into me. I fucking hate when she cries. This bitch will pay. The boys beat him up so he's on the verge of passing out.

"riportalo al magazzino, questo figlio di puttana pagherà." I spit looking at his disgusting face.
(get him back to the warehouse, this motherfucker will pay.)

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