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I stand behind Alaia's small body as she talks to random girls. We were having a nice chat then the annoying squeals came. My phones vibrates in my pocket and i reach for it. Italy. We had a shipment, i should take this.

"piccola devo rispondere a questa chiamata, tornerò" I say bending to her ear. She shivers as my breath hits her neck and nods. I smirk and leave.
(babygirl i have to take this call, i'll be back, stay here)


When I walk back into the hall I see the son of a bitch near my little baby, snickering to his little friends about something with his broken nose.

I go around behind them to take a listen.

"Bro, great idea slipping booze in her punch, i bet she's never even touched alcohol, she'll be tipsy in no time" A disgusting little boy speaks.

I call one of the men posted outside and he comes in gaining some attention.

"sbarazzati di lui"  I say pointing at the bitch who thought he could have my girl.
(get rid of him)

"Sì capo" he says walking off. My attention snap to my neonata innocently sipping a glass of what I assume is polluted punch. I sigh and walk to her.

"bambina, have you ever had alcohol?" I ask my piccolo bambino ingenuo.
(little naive baby)

" Nope, im not allowed till im 21" she replies switching her weight on her feet "my feet hurt from dancing so much" she pouts.

"Dont pout" I say to the little baby and then sigh "Piccolo, the bastard you went to the game with spiked your drink" I say to her slowly.

She spins around and her eyes widen "This drink? The one I just finished?" she asks pointing to the now empty glass.

"Sì, but dont worry we'll get you home before you're too drunk" I tell her seeing her worried face.

"Will you tell Papa? Please dont, he already thinks people are after me for some reason and i dont want to worry him more" She says to me.

"Okay I wont but do you see how his worry is right?" I ask her and she looks down.

"Yes" she says lowly.

"goodgirl, lets go" i say and we walk out but not before saying goodbye to Jen, cuz that would a crime.

I pull out of the parking lot and start driving.

"Alessandrooooo" Alaia whines. I look over confused.

"yes baby?" I ask her.

"You said I was a goodgirl, sì?" she asks. I nod still confused. "Can we go get a grape slushy and a lollipop?" she asks making her eyes big and looking at me hopefully.

I release a chuckle. Such a little baby.
"Yes baby, we can go" I say and watch her jump in happiness and sit up like an excited child. I shake my head and take the exit to the petrol station stop.
As soon as i stop infront of the shop, Alaia nearly jumps out waddling fast towards it in her heels. I laugh.

"Baby, slow down" I say walking behind her in case she falls.

"I didn't even know this place existed, I just thought you can only get slushies at carnivalss, this is so coollll" she speaks turning to then turning to the machine then back again. She's kinda twirling. The old lady at the counter gives me a smile and i smile back.

"Why baby, you could be having slushies everyday if you knew" I say to her very happy to see her slightly tipsy. That bitch did bad to her, but she still manages to be so cute.

"I know!.. can I get the biggest one please" she asks innocently.

" Yes" I say and she jumps to grab the cup. "You know bambina, back home there's an even bigger slushy cup then that one" I say pointing the cup in her little hands.

She gasps. "Oh My Goodness Aless I need it" she says. I can definitely tell she's under influence.

I chuckle "okay but right now we're here so lets just take this one, here ill help, grape, si?"

She bops her head up and down and looks at the machine in awe. Once I fill it up, i hand it to her she squeals a thankyou.

"Hi miss can I have a big swirly lollipop? Oh! the pink one?" Alaia asks the lady loudly who smiles and nods.

"Im sorry, she accidentally had some alcohol, she isnt used to it" I tell her politely.

"Its ok deary" she says handing Alaia the candy.

"you look like zia! Aless doesn't she look like zia tania?" Alaia asks getting excited again.

I nod "sure bambina, do you want anything else?" I ask.
She just shakes her head as she sips the drink. Her pink lips wrapped around the straw are giving me dirty thoughts. I shake my head and pay the lady then help Alaia out of the store.



I did not know writing could be so fun, lemme know what ya think.
ps. I love lollipops

PICCOLA BAMBINA INGUENUA Where stories live. Discover now