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As the movie continues playing, I notice how incredibly stupid it is and it does not even make any sense. I huff tiredly getting tired of this bullshit.

A few minutes pass and I feel a light weight on my arm, I look over to find the little baby asleep, leaning on the armrest and my arm. I dont know why I call her that. It just fits, she is such a little innocent baby, it makes sense.

I debate for a second on what to do, then decide on carrying her to bed and going to bed myself too. I stand up adjusting my sweatpants and bend to pick her up bridal style, and carry her down.

"è fuori di testa, la porto a letto, buonanotte" I say to the boys as I pass them.
(she's out cold, im taking her to bed, goodnight)

I hear mumbles of goodnight and walk out. As I climb the stairs I look down at Alaia. Why is she so damn adorable? Its not like she's anything different. She's just, ugh i dont know. Naive?

I dont know, she just gives off a baby vibe. I roll my eyes at my dumb thoughts. I sound like a wuss.

As I approach the room i know as hers, I open the door with my foot and walk in. I lay her down on her bed and put her under the covers. Once she's in there peacefully I look at her a few more minutes then walk to my own room.

Damn you Alessandro.


I wake up in my own bed with light making its way through the sheer curtains. I sit up and rub my eyes. Weren't we watching a movie?

I decide to get up and get ready for the day. I have to go to my school today for some papers and also yearbook signing is today so im excited. I dont have many close friends, but my my do I know people who know me back, so it'll be fun i guess.

Standing in my closet, i try to find something chic to wear, but also not too much, I like to blend in.

I pick out a basic white, long sleeve shirt, and a very cute checkered short skirt. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and put on mascara and lipgloss. Once im done i make my way to breakfast.


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"goodmorning!" i say cheerfully to the room filled with family and smile at them.

"Morning piccolo, you slept well, sì?" Zio Vince asks amused by my cheer-y behaviour.

"I did zio, although i dont know how i got to bed last night I don't remember leaving the theatre" I say looking at the boys questionably.

"oh, you fell asleep, Aless carried you up" Angelo says through a mouth full of food.

I feel my face get hot and feel eyes on me. I look up to see Aless smirking at me, i blush harder and look away mumbling, "oh sorry for troubling you" i get out.

"No problem, neonata" he replies still smirking.

I furrow my eyebrows. babygirl? huh.
Since when does he call me that?

"Principessa, are you going somewhere?" papa asks me.

"Uhm, yea, I wanted to ask if i could go to school for a bit?" I ask hesitantly.

"Sì, you can, be back soon though" he says getting back to eating.

I smile to myself eating my grapes. I love grapes.

"Tesoro, out of everything on this table all youre gonna have is grapes?" Zio asks looking at me.

I giggle "I love grapes zio, so yes i will" I say cheekily.

Everyone laughs as i stand up, "Okay im leaving ill be back later, byee" I say running out.



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PICCOLA BAMBINA INGUENUA Where stories live. Discover now