"I guess so". We accidentally exchanged looks, he had this peculiar smirk on his face. He probably knows this is awkward for me or something, his face says a lot more.

After that, he said no more, untill we arrived to the grocery shop. I basically flew off the car, but he followed, unbothered.

"You can stay in the car if you want, it's not necessary to come" I suggested, hoping he'd do as I said. He hesitated for a bit, and then, again, that weird smile.

"Fine, I'll stay. If you need help bringing the bags, call me" he turned around and got back in the car. Relieved, I went in to the store, alone.

I enjoyed shopping weirdly very much, going aisle after aisle picking everything I needed. Hopefully, my weird pleasure would last enough for me to avoid talking to him as long as I needed...to prepare myself mentally for it.

I don't even know what the fuck is wrong with me, I'm not like this. Why all of a sudden I'm feeling anxious around him?

I took at least 30 minutes to shop, and although I wanted to take longer, I couldn't. It was already raining, and it actually looked pretty bad outside, and I felt bad I'd make him drive back with this weather.

I managed to take my bags back to the car and got in, putting on my sitbelt. My phone started to ring suddenly, I took it out of my pocket to answer, it was Hyunjin.

"What's u-"

"Where are you?"

"On my way home, why?" I had to press the phone against my ear to hear him better, as the loud rain made it more difficult.

"Have you already passed the river?"

"Uh, not yet. I just left the store actually."

"You'll have to wait"

"What? Why?"

"The river overgrew because of the storm and the strong wind threw several trees down, so the road is completely blocked."

"Are you for real?!" I raised my voice. Minho turned to me curious.

"I suggest you stay at your apartment downtown while someone comes to fix it. They can't right now because it's dangerous, it'll take a few more hours untill the storm has calmed."

"My apartment?? But I .."

"But you what?" He asked.

"Nothing. Thanks for letting me know"

"Stay safe out there. You're with Minho, right?"

"Uh Huh"

"Okay. I'll call you later" he hunged up.

The thing is... I don't have my apartment key with me right now. It's been a while since I went back there, so I left it in the house. The weather was getting worse by the second, and staying in the car wasn't a good idea, but I just didn't know what else to do.

"Is everything okay?" Minho asked.

"Hyunjin said the road is blocked by now because of the storm, so we'd have to stay here and wait."

"Uh.. I don't want to contradict you, but it's not safe to stay here."

"I know, I know" I sighed. I was thinking I'd have to rent a hotel room or something. "Let's drive to the nearest hotel, I'll rent rooms while we wait."

"A hotel?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"No, nothing. I thought you had a place downtown"

"I do, but I don't have my key here, so we'll have to-"

"How about my place?"

"...y-your place?" My heart beated fast.

"Yeah, it'll be fine for the waiting." He shrugged.

"Do you carry your key?"

"No, there's a spare down the carpet."

"That's so lame, anyone could get in"

"True, but no one hasn't ever." He chuckled.

I hesitated it, but honestly, I spent a lot with the groceries, I'd prefer his place, which is free, than to pay a lot for two rooms.

"Okay, fine"

I really need to relax myself a bit. I can control myself really well, if I don't want anything to happen and I want this to be very profesional, then that's how it'll be, its easy.

Besides, it's just for a while, what can go wrong?

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