Chapter 24: wanda vision's pov

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after a slightly disatours dinner with visions boss and his wife, i was putting ares to bed. "Aunt wanda, my parents are coming to get me right?" she asked. A sad look crossed my face for a second and then i smiled full brightness again. "Of corse, they would never abandon you sweetheart, now those gorgeous eyes need to start sleeping" i said booping her nose. She laughed. I smiled and left her room. "Why do you lie to her" vision asked when i entered our room. "What do you mean" i asked knowing what he was gonna say. "I saw it in the paper, her parents died in a car crash a week ago, wanda you can't let her live her life thinking her parents are coming to get her" vision said hugging me. "She just seems so happy i-" i tried to say but a voice from behind made me stop. "My parents are dead?!" oh no, i turned to see my eleven year old niece standing in the doorway in her nightgown. "Ares i-" i started but she cut me off. "You what, lied, yeah you did, you said they were coming to get me! But no, my parents are dead, and you wern't gonna even tell me!" she cried and stormed off to her room, i ran after her and reached the door just in time to hear the lock click. "Ares" i said. "Leave me alone!" she shouted. -time skip- (skipping an two episodes mins the part the part were the twins are born, sorry- end a/n) i groaned loudly in pain as the entire house started going crazy. I heard footsteps come down the stairs. "Aunt wanda what's happening" a small scared voice said from the stairs. "Nothing, everything's fine baby, just go back upstar-" i screamed in pain cutting my sentence short as guertde told me to push. The cries of a newborn filled the air as vis entered the house. "Oh i missed it" vis said as he walked over to me. After a few minutes of bonding with our little boy, tommy i started screaming in pain again. -small time skip like in the show- "vis honey, will you comfort ary, all this probably scared her, she hasn't moved from the steps" i said looking at the crouched figure on the steps. All this is probably pretty scary to an eleven year old. Vision took a step forward and ares jumped up and ran up the rest of the stairs. Vision walked the doctor out, and i had a conversation with Gertrude that ended up with me booting her out of the hex. "Ary?" i asked softly knocking on her door, she wasn't in there so i tried me and vis's room. She was standing on the night stand trying to reach her cross stich, she slipped and fell, i caught her with a bean bag chair. "Ares what are you doing" i said. "I have to get the cross stitch" she said. "Why darling" i asked. "It's not accurate anymore!" she cried. Oh, ares! She wants to add the boys. I floated it down to her. "Next time ask, i'll be glad to help, come downstairs and meet the boys, they need to get to know there cousin" i said taking her hand and walking down the stairs with her. She picked up billy and started softly singing to him, a song that I haven't heard since I made the hex-. 🎶 Found a guy told me I was a star, he held the door held my hand in the dark, he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face, dose he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved🎶 the words came out of her mouth softly, like a gentle rain. "Where did you hear that darling" I asked. " Oh, I think it heard on the radio or the tv" she said, humming it softly to billy. No she didn't, her memory is spotting though, just bits and pieces is my theory. I didn't acknowledge it, i could see the hurt behind her eyes dim when she was holding and singing to billy, and all i wanted was to see her happy. 

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