Chapter 16: damian wayne's pov

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I caught ares as she passed out, she must of been drained. I mean she took on an invincible kryptonian! My little cousin. I don't believe she had powers the last time i saw her, of corse she was two and i was four. Then i remembered father and dad talking about the stark reactor explosion. Ohhhhhhhhhhh! I get it now, she got powers from the explosion, ok ok. Yes im slow to realize things, im seven! I picked her up and carried her inside the avengers compound. A girl with an accent told me that i could put ares in her room so i did. I sat in the chair on the opposite side of the room and stayed there until she woke up. "Ugh, i feel like i just banged my head against the wall ten times" i heard a groggy ares say. "So your awake" i said. "Were you watching me sleep, robin" she said caussley throwing the nickname i used to go by around. I cringed. "I don't go by that anymore,also i've always liked watching you sleep even when we were little" i said as she propped herself up. "Stalker!" she exclaimed jokingly. I laughed, i missed her voice, i didn't get to see her for my father's wedding because she got a helipad dropped on her. Oh if you didn't know my dad is batman-bruce wayne-, he married superman-clark kent- a while back. "You turn six soon right?" i asked. "Ya, next week actually" she said, realizing how long it has been since the reactor incident. I got up and walked to her side of the huge bed and dropped on my knees with my katana nimbly between my fingers and offred it to her. She looked confused. "It's rude not to take it" i whispered. "Oh, thank you!" she said catching on and carefully took it out of my fingers. "Happy birthday" i said. "Your-your giving me your katana?!?!?!?!?!!! You spent years saving up for this" she was referring to our letters, we kept in touch, we just didn't see each other. About two years ago i sent her a letter saying that i saved up enough money to buy my katana. I just smiled, i knew how much she liked mine, well she liked looking at it, i sent her pictures in my letters from time to time, now she could hang it in her room and a piece of me will always be with her. I got up and front flipped into the bed with her and crawled to the other side kinda close to her. She laughed. "Super wings still your favorite show?" i mean come on she's five, cartoons are life. "Second favorite! But i still love it!!!!" she exclaimed like a little kid. She is a little kid! She was forced to grow up way to fast, between her mom going missing and now she has these crazy powers, she doesn't have time to just be a five year old anymore. We finished the entire first season before i looked over and saw her sleeping on my shoulder. I smiled, just like the old days. I turned the tv off and put my head on her's and fell asleep. "Friday, take a picture" i heard a voice say as i drifted off and for once i didn't care.

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