Chapter 9: ares roger's pov

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OH MY GOSH! I'm so sorry hero's! I'm so sorry for not updating on Friday!!!! It completely slipped my mind! I can't apologize enough! I won't miss my upload schedule again, If I do I'll let you know ahead of time! Again I'm so sorry!-madhatter007

Back at school and mom's gone, she went missing on her mission, i have hope because they never found a body so she's not dead. Its just me and my dad, he's pretty torn up but it's getting better each day. Halloween is right around the corner so that should be fun, sorry can't think of anything interesting in my life to tell you right now. Oh! My fifth birthday was a few days ago. Sorry for all the time skipping too, thats my fault, i just have a very uninteresting life. I am vastly uninteresting. I heard the crackle come from my helmet and my head snapped up. I slowly put the helmet on, i wasn't expecting any one for flight simulations today. "Hello?" i asked cautiously. "Do you like scary movies?" a creepy voice asked. "Uh...i think you've got the wrong person" i said gently scared. "Oh do i now" the voice said but it sounded different like... "uncle constantine!!" i said excited. "Hey kiddo" he chuckled. "Flight simulations? Because i don't have the system booted up" i asked. "No kiddo, i just want to talk,i can do that right, i can talk to my favorite niece?" he asked. I laughed. "Im your only niece" i said. "I know, thats why your my favorite" he usual answer, of course, i still loved hearing it. My tablet started ringing with a skovian lullaby. Wanda. "Hey got to go, talk to you later" i said hands ready to pull my helmet off. "Alright see ya kiddo" constantine said from the other end and hung up. I yanked my helmet off and answered my tablet. "Hey aunt wanda!" i greeted. "Hell-hello did i, did i do this right this is ares right" a clueless android asked from the other end. I laughed. "Yes this is ares, hi uncle vision" i turned on video call. " just appeared on the screen,what is this called" he asked as the screen moved up and down. "Its called a video chat, answer it" i laughed as he answered the call. "Did-did i press the right button, can you see me" He asked as i saw his red hand wave in front of the camera. "Yes i can see you, see this is fun" i said spinning and landing on my bed. "Yes, fun, might i ask what is the point of this" the sensible-must always know what the point is-loveable android asked. "Haven't i taught you that not everything needs a point, uncle vis" i said. This was all part of the lesson i was trying to teach him that something's don't need a point to be meaningful. "Example, video chats, some of the greatest things happens on video chat and no body knows the point to them, they are just fun" i said explaining after i saw the confused look on his face. "Just fun" he said seeming to understand. "Yes just fun, see your getting it" i said as wanda walked into the room. "Vis, what are you doing on my tablet" i heard her ask, her accent thick. I facepalmed. "Uncle vision, you didn't ask first?!?!?" i exclaimed. "I didn't-was i- did i have to ask first" he asked totally clueless. "Yes, ask before borrowing things" i said in a sorta stern voice. He's like a toddler, well in a way he is, but you have to explain everything to him. I like it though, gives me a chance to bond with him. "Oh-next time i will ask, sorry wand-" than he dropped like a fly and crumpled to the ground. The tablet bounced off the ground and i saw wanda bent down with him. "UNCLE VISION!!, is he ok?!?!?!?!" i asked scared and wanda hung up the call. "UNCLE VISION, AUNT WANDA!" i shouted as the red android and the orphan mutant disappeared from the screen. I screamed in frustration and my dad came running into my room. I ran past him and down the short street towards the tower. "Ares!" my dad called after me. I approached the tower to see it being evacuated. I saw wanda carrying a passed out vision out the door, alarms bleared. "Aunt wanda what's going on?!?!?!?" i shouted so she could hear me. "The reactor over heated" she shouted back. I saw dallas right by the wall where the reactor was located. "DALLAS!" i screamed running and shoving him out of the way as the reactor exploded. I heard him cough, i felt dizzy and weak. "ARES!" he screamed and my head shot up to meet his eyes. Then the world went black

Again, very very very sorry! Hope you enjoyed!, Sorry not sorry for the mean cliffie, hehe!-madhatter007

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