Chapter 20: ares rogers's pov

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"ARES,DON'T LEAVE ME!!!'' I sat straight up in bed with a gasp. I ran my fingers through my hair and heard the front door open. I quickly got up and got dressed. I ran out the door,quickly braiding my hair into two braids and to the car tony was taking. "Let me come!" i said running up to the car. "No,i promised your dad i would keep you safe, and that would not be taking you time traveling to undo a madman's actons" he said opening the door. "Damian wayne, dallas brooks, clark kent,vision,loki, caitlin snow, bucky barnes,artic barnes,scarlett,t'challa,groot,wanda maximof, sam wilson, mantis,drax,peter quill, peter parker!!" i shouted, listing everyone we lost. "I know kid! I know, and we'er gonna get them back" he said. "He didn't just take my friends, my cousins and the love of my life who happens to be my best friend" he looked at me "he took my family!" i said, looking straight into his eyes. "You don't mess with my family and get away with it" he sighed "fine, get in, your dad's gonna murder me" he said getting in the car, i grinned and got in. -small time skip- "keep that secret i didn't bring one for the whole team" tony said. "I had to stop morgan from thinking it would be a good idea to float down the river on that thing" i said leaning out the window. My dad gave tony a what's she doing here look, tony shot him a she forced my hand look. "Your not time traveling" my dad said. "We'll see about that" i said. "Your 11!" "and your 105" he sighed. "Your not time traveling" he said and walked inside. "Don't worry short stuff, i'll bring you along" tony whispered to me as i got out of the car, i smiled. A while later i was in a suit next to the time machine, hiding. The machine started up and tony spun around and grabbed my hands and pulled me up. "Ton-" my dad started and soon we where in 2014, the year i was born. My dad shoved tony. "Your machine exploded and gave my daughter powers and now your bringing her time traveling against my will!" he shouted. I tried to walk out of the alley but my dad grabbed the callor of my shirt. "Hey! Hands off, this is a rare vintage 2003 evanescence shirt, and it was dallas's prized possession!" i said shaking out of his grip. "Evanescence, seriously, ac/dc is way better" stark said. "You guard her with your life stark" my dad said jabbing a finger into tony's chest. "So, kill her and grab all the stones" he said nudging me,i laughed. I went off to the tower with them. Tony quickly put sunglasses on me. "He-" i started to say but dad pointed to his eyes. Oh right!! Gold eyes = not normal. I stifled laughter when i saw my dads old outfit. "Nice outfit captain dad" i said though stifled laughter. "Just flick me, sun hands" ant-man said from my shoulder. "Uh, rude!" i said flicking him off my shoulder. We got all the stones and went to go snap. "Alright, before we snap, just incase something happens, ares you need to change" tony said wheeling out my very own super suit. I gasped, it was my evanescence costume super-fied. "The wrist bands if you put your arms together in front of you there will be a shield domed around you, and to keep that rare shirt safe for your boy dallas, it has a safe pocket" he explained and hit a spot on the chest plate and it opened. I went and quickly changed. "Oh and it's bulletproof" tony added. "Thank you uncle tony!" i said as i went as stood behind my dad. My dad nodded at me and i put my arms together in front of me and a dome formed around me. I didn't know if anything happened, then the building started crumbling. I screamed as i started feeling like i was falling. I heard a splash so i undid my arms and immediately started drowning. "I am an idiot!" i exclaimed and put my arms back together, i hate being wet! I felt like i was sinking when i felt my dome rise. I undid my arms again and found myself in a giant hand. "Hey sun hands" a voice said. "Hey tic tac" i said looking over his finger. "On your left" i heard though the coms. The voice was sam. A portal opened and sam flew out. I started laughing in amazement and thew my arms up. "Hey mogwai!" he said as he flew by. "YES!" i yelled still laughing. Ant man lowered his hand and i jumped off. As the team and the justice league gathered i stood by my dad, the one, the only captain america. I heard a laugh. But not- "dallas" i whispered. 

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