Chapter 15: ares roger's pov

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"THIS IS YOUR FAULT STARK, YOUR DARN MACHINE BLEW UP AND NOW MY FIVE YEAR OLD CAN'T EVEN HEAR A LOUD NOISE WITH OUT PUTTING A HOLE THOUGH SOMETHING" "MY FAULT, YOU THINK I WANTED THE MACHINE TO BLOW UP AND MY NIECE ALMOST DIE!" i could hear my dad and my uncle stark's muffled screaming. I was sitting a story down, tears streaming down my sunglassed face. "Ares? What's wrong and why do you have sunglasses on in the building" a concerned android voice asked crouching down in front of me. Vision. "My eyes turned a weird color and now dad and uncle stark are upstairs screaming at each other, and it's all my fault because im not normal and i have weird color eyes and my dad's not gonna want me anymore!" i cried burying my head into my arms. "Ares, your dad will always want you, weird colored eyes or not. Love is complicated ares, you don't have to understand it yet but your father will always love you no matter what, trust me. Now come on take the sunglasses off, i'll take you to wanda, she can help you" vision said lifting my head and pulling the sunglasses off, then lead me down a hall to aunt wanda's room. "Wait here" he said walking into wanda's room and i heard muffled whispering. "Ares you can come in now darling" i heard wanda's thick sokovian accent say. I walked though the door. She smiled. "I think I like your eyes better this way, their pretty, unique, just like you" she said nodding her head to the bed where i hopped up, knowing what was happening next. Sitcoms. Wanda loved sitcoms, and it was our thing. We watched sitcoms together. "Your choice" she said crouching down by the tv. "Dick van dike show, season 4, episode ten" i said, it was our favorite sitcom. She smiled and put it in. i woke up the next morning in her bed, but she was no ware to be found. "Aunt wanda?" i called, not knowing who was still asleep. Vision walked though the wall, making me yelp and fall off the bed startled. "Knock much!!!!!!!" i exclaimed as a got up and brushed myself off. "Oh, yes sorry, but i heard you where awake, wanda and the other avengers who live in the compound are off on a mission, i was told to stay behind and watch you" the android explained. "Ok, can i get ready, i'll be out in say ten munites" i said walking to wanda's closet. I heard him leave though the door this time. I looked in wanda's closet, nothing small enough for a five year old. I ended up putting on one of her severely oversized t-shirts and pinned up the sleeves, and the only pair of pants that was small enough to somewhat fit me, and one of her red leather jackets that practically swallowed me. "Good enough" i muttered and walked out where vision had attempted to make toast but it burnt so bad the tostar was on fire. He quickly put the fire out. "How bout cereal uncle vis, i know uncle stark has a wide selection of cereal" i said as i entered the kitchen and searched the cabinet. "Yes that seems wise" he said adding a new toaster to the grocery list. I laughed as i poured my self some froot loops and added exactly two tablespoons of milk. "That is an odd way to make cereal" vision said confused. "You'll see" i said as i pulled heavy cream and coffee creamer out of the fridge. I poured exactly ⅓ of a cup of each and put everything back where i found it. He still looked confused. "I always make cereal this way, it's delicious" i said taking a bite of it. Mmmmm,perfection. "Hmmm, i'll add that to the recipe book" he said adding it into the book on the counter. "I make coffee the same way, that's why my dad only drinks the coffee i mak-" there was a loud thunk from downstairs. I ran to go investigate as vision called my name trying to get me to stay. There was a louder thunk and i yelped, shooting a hole though the wall. "Whoa!!!" a suthorn voice said. "Two-bit!" i scolded. "Here and at your service" he said peaking out from the hole in the wall. "Oh god, two-bit! I could of killed you, you can't scare me like that, you idiot!!!!" i exclaimed once i realized how close he was to the hole. "But you didn't" he relayed. I facepalmed. "What are you doing here, don't you and dally have something to do this wee-dallas!" i yelled the last part, realizing that if two-bit was here dally was too. "Hi" his voice said from just under the hole. Oh god. "Dallas" i muttered running to the other side of the wall where dallas was sitting, his shoulder was hit. "Oh god, dallas, you freaking idiot!" i said touching is shoulder. He winced. "Just grazed me, i'll be fine" he said and than groned. "Dallas stop acting tough! UNCLE VISION!!!, he can help i promise, oh god dallas im so sorry" i said beginning to cry. Vision arrived and patched up dally's shoulder. Dallas went home with two-bit and i went and locked myself in wanda's closet. "Mogwai?" there was only one person who called me that, sam. He opened the closet door. "Vision told me you'd be in here" he said. I nodded, of corse he did. "What's wrong mogwai" he asked worried. I just stared at him with red tearfilled eyes. "She doesn't like talking when she's upset, she accidentally hit dallas in the shoulder when him and her other friend two-bit snuck in the building to see her and they startled her causing her to blast a hole in the wall where dallas was sitting" the accent filled the large closet space, wanda's accent usllayed calmed me down, it was so peaceful. I heard a bang and went out side. "Hi uncle clark!" i said excited, his eyes where red though. He walked right up to my dad and put a hand around his neck and started strangling him. "uncle clark!!!" i shouted. "We .gasp. are .gasp. your .gasp. friends .gasp. Clark" my dad said struggling for breath. "Hands off!" i shouted, he looked at me. "puny , pathetic, powerless daughter of a god, your a disgrace" he said and i let my rage break free. I felt my energy corse though my hands. "I said HANDS OFF!!!!" i yelled extending my hands and shooting him in the arm. He dropped my dad and turned toward me as i heard a very fimaller laugh. "Damian!" i exclaimed excitedly. I hadn't seen him in years, we where really close as little kids! I saw him appear on the rooftop, he smiled and then it faded. "Ares look out!" he shouted and i looked forward shooting clark in the chest plate making him stager backwards. He kept trying to fight it. I yelled in rage trying to keep the steady stream up. I remembered the code word me and damian came up with when we where little, he's two years older than me and he thought we needed a code word to say when we needed help. "Damian! Rednight!" i yelled losing strength. I saw him flip onto the kryptonian's neck. "Come on dad, think of father-whoa" he said trying to hold on while clark tried to fling him on. My energy was draining. "Damian, hit him in the side of the head, hard!" i said an idea forming in my head. Damian caught on quick and used the handle of his katana to hit his dad in the head as i used my last bit of energy to knock him over. Daiman flipped off of him landing beside me. I heard him laugh and i smiled than stumbled. "Ares?" he said worried then the world went black. Oh god not again!

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